Grateful Living 2023 Annual Report
Quick Links: Strategic Plan – Grateful Living Framework – Programs – Community Impact – Content – Brother David – Fundraising
This year we went to the heart of it. The science of gratitude proves time and time again that living gratefully changes our lives and our well-being. But can it hold up in the face of profound loss, tragedy, and trauma?
In 2023, we launched our Grateful Grief course, which supported 1,700 participants. 94% said they benefited from the course. We never doubted the power of gratefulness in every aspect of life. Thanks to the courage of all who participated in this year’s course, we continue to witness and demonstrate that gratefulness exists in the paradoxes of life — in both the joy and the sorrow.
The momentous year began with new leadership. We conclude with a new mission statement, a three-year strategic plan to guide us toward an exciting future, a new framework to deepen our articulation of the grateful life, four new board members, and a growing community of grateful practitioners. This year was enriched by many voices and many hands. We give thanks to all past and present who made it possible.
Throughout the year we provided daily support and inspiration across the globe with new resources and new programming. Our programs, including our live and on-demand course and all of our 5-Day Pathways, broke records in 2023. Community engagement was extraordinary and surpassed all historic trends, which is remarkable for a mature organization. This certainly is the direct result of the many ways our community members are showing up for each other and supporting a global network. What joy this is to witness!
Gratefully yours,
Joe Primo
2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan and Mission Statement
At the threshold of new opportunities, we gathered as a team, board, and community to share our hopes for Grateful Living. Through rich conversations, we heard ambitious and intentional goals to meet the needs of a yearning world — a world that needs to be enlivened and reawakened with the science and spirituality of gratefulness. With great thanks to all who contributed, we have a new mission statement and a strategic plan that clearly articulates our future and the many opportunities within.
We are eager for the partnerships and opportunities that await and will be discovered in the days ahead.
Our Mission Statement
We empower people to live meaningful lives through the transformative practice of grateful living.
Grateful Living Framework
Living gratefully is articulated in many places and by many voices thanks to the brilliant scholarship of our founder, Br. David Steindl-Rast. This year, and with the help of Br. David’s newest book You Are Here, the team worked with community members, partners, and Br. David’s scholarship to articulate the arc of the grateful life — a life of grateful action. Our organizational framework will launch in 2024 and be supported with resources, a foundational workshop, and a retreat.
As Br. David reminds us: You are here and your life is a gift. The framework supports what each of us can do with this gift.

Record Participation in Our Brand New Course: Grateful Grief — A Guide for Living with Loss
We welcomed the greatest number of participants to Grateful Grief than to any Grateful Living course to date. Representing 32 countries from around the globe, over 1,200 people participated in the live version of Grateful Grief, and over 450 participated in the subsequent on-demand offering. The six-week course guided participants through a deep and meaningful exploration of the relationship between grief and gratefulness. The experience was enhanced by renowned guests David Whyte, Susan Cain, Dacher Keltner, Francis Weller, and Patricia June Vickers — who added their scholarship and wisdom to the learning experience.
- 94% found the course beneficial
- 92% found the course increased their understanding of grief
- 90% found the course increased their self-compassion
The invitation to hold gratitude and grief together is a sacred offering. I feel more open, more courageous and more vulnerable.
Grateful Grief course participant

Grateful Pathways Series — Bringing Gratefulness to Life through Guided Daily Practice
Over 9,000 individuals participated in our Grateful Pathways Series, with nearly 3,000 enrolling for more than one of the offerings. The Grateful Pathways Series is designed to deepen understanding of specific Grateful Living principles and offer inspiration and tools for daily practice. This year’s series included Live Your Life As a Sacred Pilgrimage, Awakening to Awe, and Say Yes to Joy. This newly-enriched program now includes daily research highlights and deepening resources.
I want to thank you from my heart for offering this much-needed opportunity in a time of wars, destruction, and ongoing climate challenges, to name a few. Without an antidote to all of this we cannot handle it. What you do for humanity is immensely valuable, bringing peace and joy through gratitude reminders and practices.
Say Yes to Joy Grateful Pathways participant

Grateful Gatherings — Creating a Global Network of Grateful Living Practitioners
Building on our founder Br. David’s revolutionary vision of a worldwide network of gratefulness practitioners, Grateful Gatherings continue to take place in homes, online, and in community spaces around the globe. Each month, small groups of seekers convene to explore a particular theme — each designed to deepen connection and support living lives of purpose, joy, and meaning. Gatherings take place across the United States and in 8 other countries — from Switzerland to Lesotho to Canada. This vibrant program is the hallmark of gratefulness in action and will be a primary focus of expansion in 2024.
What I appreciate the most about the Gatherings is the worldly perspective of all living things it brings to my life. The open-mindedness it brings to my life makes me beyond grateful!
Rivertown Grateful Gathering participant
Preview of 2024
Brand New Live Course: Grateful Hope
Join us in our excitement as we prepare to launch Grateful Hope, a brand new, live course that begins in April! Like our Grateful Grief course, this six-week offering will include live sessions, renowned special guests, and weekly resources rooted in spiritual teachings and research.
In-Person Grateful Living Retreat
We’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be offering a much-anticipated, in-person Grateful Living retreat in fall of 2024. We’ll gather for 3 days of learning, reflecting, practicing, and creating joyful community. Stay tuned for details of this milestone offering.
Grateful Living Workshops
Our brand new workshops will offer a rich layer of learning to our current Courses, Pathways, and Gatherings. Workshops will be offered online for all and, upon request, both online and in person for groups and organizations.
In late 2024, we’ll launch our new podcast featuring rich conversations with scholars, writers, musicians, artists, and grateful living practitioners from around the globe. We can’t wait to connect with you across the waves!
Community Impact
In 2023, our Grateful Living community expanded and deepened as we provided enhanced opportunities for community members to engage with our offerings and each other.
I am deeply moved by the opportunity to have grateful.org as a home for my grateful heart to grow more loving every day. Thank you for these blessings of discovery, community, faith and grace where you make space for my love to be fully expressed in the world.
Grateful Living community member
Answers to our Daily Question
eCards sent around the globe
Active Community Platform members
Email subscribers
Social media followers
2023 also saw the launch of our new community platform — a safe and supportive space where grateful practitioners of all ages and backgrounds meet, share, learn from, and inspire each other daily. Members of this core community converse with each other in spaces such as the Gratitude Lounge, Daily Question, Courses, and a dedicated area for Grateful Gatherings hosts.
At a time when so many of us are feeling isolated and weighed down with sorrow, members report feeling not only less alone but also nourished and inspired. They tell us that Grateful Living’s community platform offers a place where hope is alive, and by gathering to practice grateful living, they are no longer alone in their struggles, just as they are not alone in their joys and delights.
Whoever you are, and however you engage with Grateful Living, we want you to know that we see you and we are grateful for your presence. You may struggle with the challenges of life, big and small, but thanks to you, our supportive and growing community, no one need do it alone. There will always be a place at the table of gratefulness for you. We invite you to join our community here.
What a gift you give. I feel seen, acknowledged, inspired, empowered… in awe of this community you’ve built. I feel so fortunate to be a part of it. Thank you!
Grateful Living community member
Content + Website Enhancements
This year, our website welcomed over 1.6 million people with an average of over 2,800 grateful living practitioners visiting on a daily basis. Our content was viewed over 4.1 million times and we grew our content library with the addition of 50+ new resources. Notable additions include our Bright Lights Young Lives video series — a collection of original videos showcasing the grateful living stories of young people — alongside new poems, curated resource collections, and original essays and daily practices from members of the Grateful Living team.
Here are a few of our favorites to explore:

The Fearless Dive: Grateful Without Conditions


Lost Together
We also refined several key website features, including continued navigation improvements to our content library, a complete refresh of our Daily Question collection, an infusion of new eCard designs, and an upgrade to our popular Light a Candle experience. We invite you to enhance your daily practice by pausing to light a candle for a cause you value, in honor of someone, or to mark a personal transition. See what’s new here.
Gratitude Cards + 7-Day Guided Journey on Reflection.App

Now in their second year, our Gratitude Cards have continued to fly off the shelves, reaching over 5,000 users! Created in collaboration with our partners at Holstee, the Gratitude Cards offer 100+ prompts designed to deepen awareness of life’s abundance and open us to the joy and transformative possibilities of gratefulness. Most questions emerged from our longstanding Daily Question series, repackaged thematically and designed to be used for journaling, with friends and family, or in the classroom and other community spaces. Scan the QR code in the deck for free access to the 7-day guided gratitude journey we created, hosted on Holstee’s Reflection.App.
Brother David
This year was also a momentous year for our founder, Br. David Steindl-Rast, who released a new book, was awarded the Gold Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria, and celebrated his 97th birthday. Br. David is currently at his monastery in Austria, where he devotes his time to writing and contemplation.

Br. David’s New Book: You Are Here
In May, Br. David celebrated the release of his latest book, You Are Here: Keywords for Life Explorers, which offers clear definitions of his key spiritual terms, each contextualized in an inclusive, accessible roadmap for living a full and meaningful life. It is ideal for those new to Br. David’s teachings as well as longtime devotees of his work.
Br. David Awarded Gold Decoration of Honor
On July 4, 2023, Br. David was awarded the Gold Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria. The award is given to select individuals by the Austrian government and was presented to him by Susanne Raab, the Austrian Minister of Women, Family, and Youth.

We are a privately funded community — a nonprofit that wholly depends on the financial support of generous donors — that comes together to learn, grow, and support each other. This year 15,034 donors gave $724,501 dollars. As a result, we can continue to sustain our programs as we seek new funders to help us grow and reach more people. On behalf of all of us, we give thanks!