Stories of Grateful Living

Reciprocity and Kindness

by Amy Wright Glenn
By seeing ourselves in others, we strengthen our capacity to empathize and care. By disregarding…

Amy Wright Glenn

About the author

In her feature articles, blog posts, and advice column responses, Amy Wright Glenn reflects upon yoga, birth, death, motherhood, ethics, and religion/spirituality. She is a regular contributor to PhillyVoice and has blogged for Attachment Parenting International, The Birthing Site,, and Holistic Parenting Magazine. As renowned natural mothering expert Peggy O'Mara, notes, "With her triple identity as yoga teacher, doula, and chaplain, Amy Wright Glenn brings a one-of-a-kind tenderness and empathy to her writing and she's not afraid to talk about the difficult parts of life." This blog was first published on Amy's website.