Stories of Grateful Living

Love Connects Us: 7 Ways to Live in Love, Every Day!

by Colette Lafia
We must ask ourselves, “How can I bring love forward and be a part of…

The Gift of Humility

by Colette Lafia
The cherry blossoms have arrived, and it feels like nature has handed us a beautiful…

Zeven oefeningen in loslaten

by Colette Lafia
Velen van ons worstelen met loslaten omdat we dat zien als een nederlaag of als…

The Healing Gifts of Gratitude

by Colette Lafia
Last spring, a close friend and I had a serious disagreement. In one of our…

7 Ways to Practice Surrender

by Colette Lafia
Surrender can become a path into more lightness, joy and gratitude in our hearts and…

Seven Ways to Practice Surrender Today

by Colette Lafia
In my own life, I have discovered that surrender can offer an invitation to embrace…
Hands tenderly holding each other.

7 Simple and Powerful Ways to Cultivate Comfort

by Colette Lafia
Colette Lafia shares simple and practical ways to offer the gifts of comfort and compassion…

Colette Lafia

About the author

Colette Lafia is a San Francisco-based spiritual director, workshop leader, and writer. She is the author of Seeking Surrender: How a Trappist Monk Taught Me to Trust and Embrace Life, and Comfort & Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others. Colette has a passion for helping people connect more deeply with the presence of the sacred in their daily lives and blogs about it at