Debra Roberts

Debra Roberts
About the author
Debra Roberts is a natural (treatment-free) beekeeper and international honeybee educator, speaker, mentor, advocate, artist, and writer. She is Founder of Holy Bee Press, Vice President of The Center for Honeybee Research, Founder of The Honeybee Project, a bee mentor for Hamaatsa (an indigenous learning center in New Mexico), editor of a series of ongoing articles about honeybees and natural beekeeping, on the Steering Committee of Bee City USA, and received her Master Beekeeping certification in 2010. She is founder faculty of The College of the Melissae: Center for Sacred Beekeeping in Ashland, Oregon and was chosen as one of the Heroes of Asheville in 2014. She also created the online series, The Sacred Path of Bee for bee appreciators worldwide.