A dirt path winding along a grassy hillside as dusk emerges with stars overhead. The path is bordered on the right hand side by a wooden fence.

For Those Who Have Far to Travel

by Jan Richardson
A Blessing for Epiphany If you could see the journey whole you might never undertake…
Artist, writer, and ordained minister Jan Richardson

Jan Richardson

About the author

Jan is an artist, writer, and ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. She serves as director of The Wellspring Studio, LLC, and has traveled widely as a retreat leader and conference speaker. With work described by the Chicago Tribune as “breathtaking,” she has attracted an international audience drawn to the spaces of welcome, imagination, and solace that she creates in both word and image. Jan’s books include The Cure for Sorrow, Night Visions, In the Sanctuary of Women, and the recently released Sparrow: A Book of Life and Death and Life. Learn more at janrichardson.com.