grove of trees decorated with lichen.

Where Gratefulness Resides

by Jennifer J. Wilhoit, PhD
Gratefulness lives in our bodies. And in the corpus of Earth. It resides there, next…
Jennifer Wilhoit

Hearty Gratitude Practices

by Jennifer J. Wilhoit, PhD
I am giddy, smitten, overcome with palpable gratitude: I just viewed a photograph I took…

Jennifer J. Wilhoit, PhD

About the author

Jennifer J. Wilhoit, PhD is a published author, spiritual ecologist, mentor, researcher, educator, consultant, peacemaker, & hospice volunteer. She founded TEALarbor stories through which she compassionately supports people's deep storying processes; she is a partner with the Charter for Compassion. Her writing & work focus on the human/nature relationship: “the inner/outer landscape.” Jennifer thrives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest landscape where she lives.