Discover five ways that committing to a grateful orientation and daily practice empowers you to…

You Are Here: Awakening to the Opportunities of Today
A daily practice to empower yourself by awakening to the opportunities of the day ahead…

Rejoice and Play
This essay explores play as a joyful and essential act for our well-being that can…

Compelled by Hope
This essay illustrates how grateful hope prepares us to acknowledge suffering and invites us to…

Approaching Daily Tasks with Leisure
A daily practice of giving time to what requires time and deepening your relationship to…

Leisure: The Art of Loitering
This essay shows how leisure is a natural outcome of living gratefully, inviting us to…

A Passionate Hope That Endures
This essay introduces passion and endurance as fuel for grateful hope and illustrates how this…

A Path to Liberating Yourself from Fear
This guided practice will help you notice fearful thoughts, examine them, and commit to holding…

Becoming a People of Possibility
This essay explores the key ingredients of hope: humility, possibility, and faith — and invites…

The Grateful Life Is a Liberated Life
This essay shares how fear limits your perspective and how living gratefully offers a liberating…