A golden full moon illuminates a bank of clouds below with shades of orange and dark blue
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratefulness is a Full-Body Experience

by Julia Spangler
In this story of Grateful Living, Julia Spangler reflects on experiencing gratefulness through the body…
Julia Spangler headshot

Julia Spangler

About the author

Julia Spangler is the President of the Board of the Lorian Association. She is a Lorian Priest and teaches online classes for Lorian as well as parenting classes for local preschool parents. She lived at the Findhorn community in Scotland for two years where she met her husband, David, and the others with whom she co-founded Lorian. She lives in Issaquah, WA with her husband and four nearby adult children. She loves the mystery and beauty of our world, and the profound variety of people in it.