Stories of Grateful Living

A Heart with Wings

by Katie Rubinstein
The practice of grateful living has had something to teach me about the tenacity of…

Scratch, Sniff

by Katie Rubinstein
It was weeks ago nowthat first month of September we spent here on this island,still…

Katie Rubinstein

About the author

Katie Rubinstein now serves as Associate Director for Seven Sisters Midwifery and Community Birth Center, Florence, MA. She joined A Network for Grateful Living in 2014 and served as Associate Director until July, 2020. With a passion for public health and social change, Katie worked for Massachusetts Farm to School, served women and families as a doula and apprentice midwife, and completed certifications in childbirth education and labor assistance, herbal medicine, and Embodyoga teacher training. She lives in the Pioneer Valley with her husband, three sons, and ever-goofy canine companion, Rainer.