
How Cultural Differences Shape Your Gratitude

by Greater Good Science Center
Americans say thanks a lot, but other cultures may have a deeper understanding of gratitude.
Human hand holding adhesive note with Thanks text

How Gratitude Can Transform Your Workplace

by Greater Good Science Center
From nonprofits to Fortune 500 companies, learn how organizations are embracing a culture of gratefulness.

How the Science of Well-Being is Evolving

by Greater Good Science Center
Researchers explore the complexity of well-being at the 5th World Congress on Positive Psychology. The…

How to Upgrade Your Gratitude Practice

by Greater Good Science Center
According to a new study, your gratitude journal could be more powerful if you also…

Kira M. Newman

About the author

Kira M. Newman writes, edits, and produces content for all of the Greater Good Science Center’s websites, from the magazine to Greater Good in Action to the Science of Happiness MOOC, for which she served as course assistant for three semesters. Kira comes to GGSC from the world of tech journalism. She spent four years traveling around the world and loves speaking French, swing dancing, and exploring local cafes.