
Embracing The Great Fullness of Life

by Kristi Nelson
We have ideas in mind about most everything...and while these concepts can offer us valuable…
A woman with a ecstatic smile lifts her head to the sky. Forest.

Dankbaarheid: een radicale manier van leven

by Kristi Nelson
Dankbaarheid ontwikkelen, oefenen en volhouden is een radicale manier van leven omdat het ingaat tegen…

Gratefulness: Greater than Gratitude

by Kristi Nelson
Three cheers for the November 21st Washington Post book review by Mitch Horowitz, for bringing…
sunlight shadows

Give from Great Fullness

by Kristi Nelson
How might we cultivate gratefulness as a way of being rather than settling for gratitude…

In the Nourishment of Appreciation

by Kristi Nelson
Everything flourishes in the nourishment of our appreciation: plants, people, the Earth, moments. When we…
News & Announcements

Who We Are: Gratefulness Inside-Out

by Kristi Nelson
There are times in life when stopping to turn ourselves inside out is illuminating and…

Grateful for Getting Older

by Kristi Nelson
Having a birthday offers me the welcome reminder that it is nothing short of a…
A woman with a ecstatic smile lifts her head to the sky. Forest.

Gratitude: A Radical Approach to Life

by Kristi Nelson
Cultivating, practicing, and sustaining gratefulness as an approach to life is radical – because it…

Dankbaarheid: een gelegenheid om te oefenen

by Kristi Nelson
Het klopt dat we kunnen zeggen dat we altijd iets aan het oefenen zijn. Het…
train speeding

Training Our Trains of Thought

by Kristi Nelson
Difficult mental and emotional patterns can teach us a lot about developing positive patterns, if…

Standing our Sacred, Grateful Ground

by Kristi Nelson
Grateful living asks us to connect with those things that matter most deeply to us,…
leaves, float, water

Dankbaar voor dankbaarheid in moeilijke tijden

by Kristi Nelson
Ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat er momenten zijn waarop ik als directeur van A Network…
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Kristi Nelson

About the author

Kristi Nelson is our Ambassador for Grateful Living and the author of Wake Up Grateful: The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted. She served as Executive Director at Grateful Living from 2014 - 2022. Her life’s work in the non-profit sector has focused on leading, inspiring, and strengthening organizations committed to progressive social and spiritual change. Being a long-time stage IV cancer survivor moves her every day to support others in living and loving with great fullness of heart.