
Embrace the Grace: A Graduation Speech

by Nipun Mehta
In his commencement address to the Class of 2018 at Assumption College, Nipun Mehta talks…

Lessons from a Benedictine Monk, Brother David

by Nipun Mehta
At a retreat in Italy, I found myself trimming rose geraniums with a Benedictine Monk as a…

#MakeVirtueViral: A Graduation Speech for Uncertain Times

by Nipun Mehta
In his address to the 2016 class at Dharma Realm Buddhist University, ServiceSpace founder, Nipun Mehta, makes a…

From Sharing Economy to Gift Ecology

by Nipun Mehta
(May, 2014) "Sharing has elements of inter-connectedness, of a village-like community, of a transformative altruism.…

What If Generosity Was Taught By Those Who Have the Least?

by Nipun Mehta
(TEDx, February 2013) Nipun Mehta at TEDxMasala. When one of Gandhi's chappals famously dropped onto…

Nipun Mehta

About the author

This is a transcript of a commencement address delivered on May 27, 2016, at DRBU, a small private school dedicated to liberal education in the broad Buddhist tradition -- a tradition characterized by knowledge in the arts and sciences, self-cultivation, and the pursuit of wisdom. Nipun Mehta is the founder of, a nonprofit that works at the intersection of gift-economy, technology and volunteerism. You can also view his other talks online.