
Br. David Steindl-Rast. Photo: Doug Menuez
A Network for Grateful Living is pleased to announce the establishment of the Brother David Steindl-Rast Spirituality and Social Change Fellowship in UMass Amherst Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) to honor the legacy of Brother David by ensuring engagement with his thinking, teaching, and writings by future generations of scholars. The Fellowship underwrites an annual opportunity for a visiting scholar to conduct research in SCUA’s collections, to engage with archival materials across spirituality and social change in the spirit of Brother David, and to further their research, writing, and teaching. Fellows are expected to present their work to the campus community and the public following their Fellowship.
SCUA Fellows receive a stipend of $2,500, with a travel allowance of up to an additional $500 depending on need. Fellows are expected to spend a total of one month in residence during the period of the fellowship year: June 1 through May 31.
Graduate students and early career professionals (within five years of receipt of a PhD). However, we strongly encourage independent scholars and those outside academia to apply.
Application process:
SCUA uses a single application process for all fellowship programs, with applications accepted online only. A complete applicant’s packet will include:
- A brief biographical statement of not more than 350 words with a description of your larger research agenda to be used for publicity purposes.
- An overview of the proposed project not to exceed three pages.
A current resume or CV. - One confidential letter of reference.
Selection process:
Fellows will be selected according to the scholarly merit of their proposal as judged by the committee of reviewers; demonstrated need to use SCUA’s holdings; and fit to the particular fellowship program.
Application deadline:
First Friday in March of each year. This year’s deadline is March 6, 2020. Awards will be announced April 1

Br. David Steindl-Rast reviews his archives with Aaron Rubinstein and Robert Cox (L to R) of SCUA at SCUA, UMass, September 2019. Photo: Doug Menuez
Investing in Br. David’s Fellowship:
A Network for Grateful Living made the initial donation to establish this Fellowship with funds from a generous bequest left to us by our dear friend Edda Hackl. We invite other friends to consider joining us in ensuring continued scholarship in the areas of Br. David’s teachings by directing a gift — either in your lifetime or from your estate — to support the growth of the Fellowship. Please contact Executive Director Kristi Nelson at [email protected] to discuss this opportunity.