Community Reflections
Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: When Generosity Surprises
"We cannot waste our time believing we can achieve an ideal self or community. All…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Seeing Through the Eyes of Others
Some of you may have noticed (or are regularly visiting) our Practice Space where we offer a…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Honoring Nature’s Gifts
"Gratitude is most powerful as a response to the Earth because it provides an opening…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Where is Beauty?
"Whenever I experience something beautiful, I am with Soul. That moment of inward breath, that…

Community Reflections
Gratefulness as Support: Community Voices
How are you finding gratefulness a source of support during this challenging time? This is…

Community Reflections
The Impact of Gratefulness: In Your Words
Ninety-nine percent of you affirm that learning about and practicing grateful living has positively impacted…