Daily Question
In what creative ways can I show the ones I love that I am grateful for them today?
49 Reflections
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I can listen attentively to their words. I can respond in a calm and compassionate manor.
Before I name what CREATIVE WAYS I can show them I want to identify a impactful way to show gratitude and it is ACTIVE LISTENING, allow them to vent with no judgement and ask if feedback is accepted. NOW a Creative Way is by cooking a new dish [ they say I can cook so I made a new dish for my sister 🙂 ]. Another way is painting while reflecting; I love to paint and will be painting with a friend of mine (AJ) ; the great thing about this is that the painting I am painting is for another friend (Tom) so this is 1 Creative way I am able to practice gratitude attitude for 3 individuals MYSELF (first), AJ and Tom 🙂 everyone wins.
Wow! I am bad at this. I mean, I know I am grateful for several things, but I always fail to show it. Probably I’ll learn a few ways here today 🙂
Son-with a fun sleepover he’s been asking for.
Daughter-making bread-getting her permit
I wrote a letter to my younger daughter sharing how much I love her and continue to give thanks for her and learn from her. I also expressed my happiness at her upcoming marriage.
I love this question, I love so many people in my life! And I too needed to read some replies first, particularly because I have had some upsetting interactions with someone I love and feel hurt by, AND I am trying to stay on my own side of the street and remember compassion and love without losing myself. I too am a people pleaser.. I saw a very funny thing online that said ” I am a recovering people pleaser, is that ok?” Made me laugh really hard! And I am trying to be present and show up but sometimes it gets very tricky. So maybe I can’t DO an action today but sometimes giving someone love and space and room could be a way to express gratitude …esp if they can’t receive that love or gesture right now!!!
Make something with my hands, just for the person in mind.
I read all the replies before thinking about my answer and I am glad I did – what a lot of lovely ideas. I am going to take so many of them on board and really focus on showing my gratitude and love. I will try to be extra thoughtful about my husband and search for little ways I can quietly make his life easier as a thank you for all he does for me. I love the idea of notes both to specified recipients and to those I may never meet. And I will just try to say it more rather than assuming people know. Another good question to make me more aware of my actions and their consequences.
I had been challenging myself, after a lifetime of writing and re-writing to-do lists, to put that aside, and be more spontaneous…..but realize it is too easy for me to simply be lazy when I have basic chores done. I restarted the LIST habit recently, and have tried to approach it in a different way, ending the day with gratitude for what is DONE rather than disappointment at what is left over. Today I have a long list of “things to do,” so this question at first sparked the thought, “I have no time for creativity today.” Then I read over my list, and recognize that all the things I want to accomplish are ways of showing love! So I will add some singing and dancing and remind myself to be grateful for my family, friends and wider community….and all the earth!….while I make phone calls, write notes, prepare a batch of rhubarb compote, and complete an on-line training. Thank you for inviting me to this dance of love and life.
Right now I am deeply grateful. For the past 3 days I have been visiting and staying with my friends here their simple little house in the woods. Showing my appreciation for their warmth and welcome is a delight. How? By laughing and sharing conversations together. By cooking with them and doing the meal dishes; by bringing them plants for their garden—fennel, lavender, sage to be specific. They love creating their little garden, and spend much of their days puttering in it. It was fun to buy them some herbs that they didn’t have.
That’s amazing. And buying anything for somebody’s garden will forever will cherished.
aww, that was so thoughtful!
Well, it might not be today, but when we run out, I might make my parents some more of the Tahitian coconut bread I made the other day.
Oh, that sounds delightful!
A smile and wave to everyone I pass by walking to the park. Coffee and a kiss for my husband, Sending a special note of love to a friend.
By cooking them dinner. By respecting their space. By putting out positive energy. By saying thank you.
My husband is at work at 4:30 a.m., and has been for eight years, so we text our “good mornings” to each other, every day he’s at work. I learned indirectly that one of my sons let his driver’s license expire. He is not living with us now and he tries so hard to be independent, but I offered to get him to the BMV for anything he needs (he did not ask for help but gladly accepted when I offered). I’m making shortbread for my husband and brownies for my son who is with us for summer – keeping them in supply of their favorite nibbles. I’m on dinner tonight, too. I’m still painting/renovating the kitchen right now, which may not seem at first like showing love or gratitude, but as everyone knows it needs doing, and no one wants to do it or pay for it, it is the kind of thing I can do to make things better for my loved ones. And perhaps most of all, this may not be creative, but mostly I just try to see them for who they are, notice how they are feeling or what is going on with them, appreciate them for who they are, and listen to what they want to say.
That last part… so important
I can make breakfast or dinner.
I really like this question. It inspires me. I am just going to type and see what pops up…..
I have a library book to return, so I am going to write on a post-it note the words “You Matter”. Then I am going to put that inside the book. But by the binding, so it doesn’t show, so that you would have to read the book to find it….because everyone matters, and we forget that about ourselves.
I wouldn’t know the person who finds it, but that is fine. Or do you think that is creepy? How would you feel if you received that? Maybe it’s creepy….I will rethink that…..
I am going to send my husband an ecard. He likes them and it would make him feel special.
I have a neighbor who is in the throes of Parkinson’s, and needs a shoulder…I will give her that today if I see her.
I will send my cousin a nice long email, which she loves.
I will do my best to make one of my grandchildren his favorite cookies…first I will make the dough, stick it in the fridge overnight, then bake them tomorrow….yep.
So, I do not love all these people, but why not do it anyway?
And on with my day! Thank you for this question.
UPDATE- as good as my intentions were at the time, I did not do anything with the library book….
And my husband loved the ecard. I ended up sending my daughter an ecard as well, just because…and she just loved it. A good day all around.
Loved the idea of a note in the library book. How bout a simple ‘Have a great day’ note? 🙂
How fantastic. I absolutely LOVE the “YOU MATTER” in the library book. I’m going to do that at some point. Not odd or creepy to me at all. Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you, Amber. I did not do it…in our world today, even though my intention was to be kind, it may not have felt like that to whomever would have received it, and that is why I changed my mind.
Do little ordinary things- make him a cup of coffee; show up for the ladies at jail for ministry morning; smile and say thank you; do some laundry; get some healthy groceries.
I could take a selfie of me smiling and add a colorful text “All the while, SMILE. I love u.” Later on, take another selfie pic this time of me hugging myself that says “You’ve been stung by the Hug Bug”. I’m going to do this for real. Lol. I love this question.
I love this question! How indeed…
Today I will do little things for my husband to show him how much I appreciate his presence in my life.
I’m not as creative as some, so I will just stick to simple smiles, “thank you’s,” and “I love you’s.”
You are more creative than you know,
dear sunnypatti…♥
Try writing it on a post it or scrap paper. Take a pic and send it that way. Oh the smiles it will bring. Thanks for sharing. Have a terrific day.
Random acts of kindness speak volumes.
I haven’t written on paper in so long… But, I’m drawn to that idea as well. There’s tangibility in a letter or even a little sticky note. For the 4 others in my home, I think each one may get a special little gift today. For my husband love is a massage, for the middle child is hangng out on her bed… I needed the reminder to demonstrate my love.
I, too, have begun to write letters. Looking through keepsakes during quarantine, I noticed that I was filled with joy and love as I reread letters. Clearly they were important to me when I received them, so I tucked them away. Little did I know how important they really were. I also let the person know that the letter sent years ago was still delivering:) I wrote letters to my granddaughters last week. There is something powerful about sending something tangible. They truly are love letters.
I can write a few notes & get them in the mail & send some unexpected texts, especially to nieces & nephews. As I start this day, I reach out to You on this site—I’m grateful to pilgrimage with you through life at this time in our lives. Abundant Blessings to you this day! 💕
This has been my personal battle.. trying to please all those around me, taking their own interests or concerns over mine. I understand that this stems from my wanting to be liked and loved by all. It’s time to love me first, take care of my interests first. Yes compassion of others and wanting to help is important but I’m trying to grasp with thought that these actions cannot be my source of feeling being loved or accepted. Go for a walk in nature..treat myself to a Starbucks.. give positive validations to me.
I know the feeling, devy – being raised to please others and put one’s own needs far far down in the list. Enjoy your treats –
Good insight, Devy. Quite right, we don’t have to “do” to be grateful of others, or need to do things to deserve their affection. What I take away from your post is it is just as important to be grateful for own self. Thank you.
Today, I am going to say “I love you” to the woman in the mirror, and then I wink to her. I think she needs it. She is a bit sad sometimes
Big hug, ((((Christine))))
All the love you ever experienced is still there. You have friends who love you, too!
Yes Christine, tell yourself multiple times thru out the day, how much you love you. Love starts with the Self. Have a blessed day. ❤️
THIS HERE IS E V E R Y T H I N G🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍. How beautiful
Love this !
Truly, I don’t need to look for creative ways to show the many loved ones in my life that I am grateful for them today. Only three words, expressed honestly, are required… “I love you!”
“I love you’s, opens doors, softens jagged edges, melts hardened hearts, and echo’s “I love you” in return.
Now, that’s not to say that I don’t admire all the many ways that creative types, artists of every caliber and ability, young or old, find their own unique ways of expressing their love. Some of the keepsakes that I have received and treasure for forty years and counting will attest to that!
I am grateful for this site, and “I love you,” each, those who frequent here.
Same to you:)
Thank you Kevin. I love you and appreciate your wisdom. Have a blessed day.❤️
Aah, thank you, Kevin. You are very kind.💛
Aah! That put a big smile on my face. Your cup runeth over, Kevin! 😀
Not a creative person so I will stick with simply telling them.
Write a handwritten letter, a card. A real, hard copy thing they can hold in their hand and put in a drawer and find years from now (perhaps when they need to hear it most). Using words (these powerful symbols) to convey the things my heart holds dear so as to keep them close.