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  1. c
    cassandra Leigh
    7 months ago

    I enjoy immersing myself in a good game. It’s the only hobby, aside from maybe being in nature, that takes my mind off of everything.

  2. barba
    7 months ago

    Sitting on the terrace in the afternoon, enjoying the sun and reading.

  3. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    7 months ago

    Singing is the most enjoyable thing I typically do for fun, and also when I’m feeling down, followed by listening to music. Recently, I discovered a musical instrument called the ocarina, and spending time playing it is pretty cool.

    1. Michele
      7 months ago

      had to search it – The ocarina is a wind musical instrument; it is a type of vessel flute. Variations exist, but a typical ocarina is an enclosed space with four to twelve finger holes and a mouthpiece that projects from the body
      kinda looks like a hair dryer, lol

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      7 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’ve noticed improvement on your ocarina. Playing the piano with you on it or even singing is fun.

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    7 months ago

    1. Sailing, Kayaking
    2. Biking – mostly on scenic bike paths
    3. Hiking
    4. Cross country skiing
    5. Summer outdoor concerts in the area/winter – Small theaters and library events
    6. Travelling
    7. Spending quality time with friends and family (Tomorrow I meet up with HS friends in CT for an overnight – been friends for 50 years!)
    8. Exercise classes like Zumba is fun!

  5. TofuLove75790
    7 months ago

    Pretty much everything. If I’m making coffee I find that fun, if I’m at work that’s fun, if I’m doing self growth work, exercise, anything — like if fun is the dictionary definition of amusing and enjoyable. I truly find every moment of my life fun — I’m not like going oh wow greatest ever and jumping for joy but like fun as in pleasurable, enjoyable, entertaining, gratifying and amusing — I’d say almost every moment of my life I perceive that way. But you can have fun and feel your heart is beating out of your chest and the exhaustion of running up a steep mountain and fun can be quietly making coffee as you level the spoon of grounds and fun can be watching your feelings arise and fall away and fun can be anything — fun isn’t confined to a specific thing?

    I suppose everyone can define what they want how they want but there’s this idea that fun is what we do with these specific hobbies, these specific fun time things — and it’s not that way in my head. Fun is anywhere and anytime doing anything. If fun to you is vacuuming, that’s you having fun. If fun to you is clipping your toenails, that’s you having fun. If fun to you is watching reality TV, hey that’s you having fun. Fun is your own perceptual experience of enjoyment and that can be anything.

    You also have the power to transform things you don’t maybe enjoy to things you look forward to doing — your mind is super malleable. If you don’t really enjoy mopping, find people who do — ask them, what about mopping do you enjoy? Find the cleaning geeks and understand what is about this they take pleasure in? Then see if you can’t feel that yourself while mopping and if you do — you just strengthened a new pathway of pleasure in your brain so that overtime maybe you’ll begin to enjoy mopping floors. Or maybe you have negative thoughts attached to mopping, like a parent said, oh you never clean well, you can work on that belief and you can find evidence that you are actually very good at cleaning.

    Or you can continue to really despise mopping and I am not saying what you should and should not do, it’s not a moral thing and people have every right to their preferences — just personally, hey if this is life I am going to find a way to have fun with it. If I have to clean my place, I may as well have fun while doing it. There is just NOW to be happy in. That’s my own perspective so for me a lot is just finding methods to increase your capacity to enjoy right now.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      7 months ago

      Love the idea of finding fun in everything. Thank you for this.

    2. Michele
      7 months ago

      you have a great attitude – I enjoyed reading your reflection, thank you:)

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      7 months ago

      Thank you Tofulove, I enjoyed reading about your perspective so much! It was fun!😉

    4. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      TOFULOVE, I feel this why any particular job I am doing I always say playing…. playing cowboy, playing irrigator, playing mechanic, play vegetable gardener. Do not have any hang-ups on mopping but dusting, a whole other story!

  6. Carol Ann Conner
    7 months ago

    Sadly, not much!

    1. Yram
      7 months ago

      When you are grieving it is tough to bring up joy and fun. Just a suggestion, maybe do an activity your sister loved and do it with her in your heart. Don’t be hard on yourself. I send you ease……

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        7 months ago

        Yram, Your words warm my heart.

    2. Michele
      7 months ago

      I know you enjoy baking Carol – do that and give to loved ones/neighbors/hosp staff.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        7 months ago

        Michele, I usually do enjoy baking and I’m smiling because I just put a piece of homemade cake in the mailbox for my mailman. And I did take homemade cookies to the hospital staff a week after Mary passed. I think it’s the word “fun” that’s the hang-up. For me, it involves laughter and laughter is not coming to me easily right now. However, your post made me smile. Thanks

        1. Michele
          7 months ago

          Sending you a big virtual hug. 🤗

    3. TofuLove75790
      7 months ago

      That sounds tough to be feeling, Carol. I hope that good times roll soon and sunshine brightens your day!! Thanks for being here and sharing your perspective!

    4. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      What many in our society find fun I find a bore Carol.

  7. L
    7 months ago

    In no particular order…

    1. Cooking projects (of the variety Barb mentioned)
    2. Watching basketball
    3. Exploring a new city/town/ traveling
    4.Taking photographs
    5. Hiking/walking
    6. Riding Rollercoasters
    7. Djing/playing music for others
    8. Listening to live music
    9. Curating Spotify playlists/discovering new music
    10. Being in nature.

  8. Barb C
    Barb C
    7 months ago

    Go dancing with my husband. We’ve been taking classes and going to open dance nights since early in the year, bringing back a “dance date” practice we had early in our marriage.
    Tackle a big cooking extravaganza, like making something elaborate from scratch or spending the day making and canning something. (Last weekend it was blackberry apple chutney, with blackberries I picked and used first to make blackberry-infused vinegar and apples from a neighborhood tree that I picked up on a bike ride, just lying on the ground.)
    Go for a weekend bike ride with my best friend who lives nearby, noodling around the neighborhoods looking for garage sales with no particular need in mind.
    Take my Kindle and bike or walk to a coffee shop, get a treat, sit and read while I feel the hum of people around me. I’ve enjoyed this ever since doing homework in college in the student union building but it has extra value after the isolation of the early pandemic.
    Go to the ocean or a park with a kite and bubble wands.
    Play with my cat when he’s in a pouncing mood.
    Take improv classes through my local parks and rec. This weekend we have an “Improv Friends Club” dinner/improv night at the home of a couple I met through the classes who instituted this as a way of keeping our improv skills fresh between class sessions. Next round of class starts in September.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      Certainly a doing being Barb!

  9. Ose
    7 months ago

    currently reading
    Writing letters or something else just for the fun of writing
    cooking especially together with and for friends
    making or listening to music
    being in nataure watching the light and sometimes taking a picture of what is perceived
    just to name a few, Thanks for this lovely question!

  10. S
    Stephanie Mckinney
    7 months ago

    1. Read/Audiobooks- I also have a book going.
    2. Water- paddle boarding, swimming, water parks, beach.
    3. Time with Family- game nights, road trips, events together, evening walks.
    4. Concerts- watching live music.
    5. Sporting Events- Did someone say basketball? Love watching basketball.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      7 months ago

      We used to have family game nights when our kids were still young enough to live with us. I miss those–need to create chances to play with that shelf full of games I still have.

  11. Yram
    7 months ago

    This is a good question for me.
    Making and eating tasty foods.
    Blowing bubbles.
    Picking produce from our small garden.
    Talking on the phone with friends and family.
    Doing things for others.
    Waking up in the morning with a day of possibilities.
    Marveling at the evolution of things. I didn’t answer the question yesterday but at 82 I have witnessed the different toasters, ice boxes, plumbing, cameras. The list could go on and on.

    1. Patti
      7 months ago

      Blowing bubbles is a lot of fun!! Thank you for reminding me 🙂

      1. Barb C
        Barb C
        7 months ago

        Ha, bubbles are on my list too. One of the things I’ll do if we’re leaving in the car for a vacation is to stick my bubble wand out of the car window as we drive away so we leave a trail of bubbles.

  12. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    7 months ago

    After taking the workshop on Reclaiming Play from the Grateful Living Community, I have been experimenting with putting a little fun into what could be the mundane. A few examples would be how I dress, when I prepare a meal, jazzing up my office in some simple way. This experiment has been fun for me lately.

  13. L
    Loc Tran
    7 months ago

    1. Watch basketball and football
    2. Go on walks with my family
    3. Swimming
    4. Reading
    5. Meditation
    6. Piano

    1. L
      7 months ago

      Watching basketball is also on my list! Awaiting my 5th NBA season with anticipation 🙂

    2. S
      Stephanie Mckinney
      7 months ago

      Basketball is the best sport. 🙂 Watching basketball made my list too. Actually I feel our list are very similar just a different order.

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        7 months ago

        Lauryn and Stephanie, a combination of an influx of international players and advancements in health and dietary management is leading to an ever increasing number of skilled players at every position. Anthony Edwards recently came out and trashed the 80s and 90s NBA suggesting that Michael Jordan was the only skilled player back then. To no one’s surprise, fans, media outlets, and past legends lectured him on the value of thinking before speaking. My views there aligns with the majority. Skilled players have always existed from the beginning of time. I could name plenty of them from Michael Jordan’s era. John Stockton, Karl Malone, Latrell Sprewell, Tim Hardaway Sr., and Gary Payton are some notable examples.

  14. Pilgrim
    7 months ago

    I like to walk at the beach, and during good weather, it is fun to watch the kiddos enjoying the day. I also enjoy spending time with family, although getting together happens infrequently as we are pretty spread out.

  15. Avril
    7 months ago

    The question has been really interesting lately. Right now, taking this time for myself to answer is fun! I’m snuggled up on the loveseat with “Call the Midwife” on in the background. The cats are running around and the kids are at school. I am preparing to teach my Friday yoga/meditation classes. This class is the high point of my week. Then, I get to do another really fun thing—5Rhythms Ecstatic Dacning. I am so excited.

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