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  1. Presley Gleason
    5 months ago

    Jesus loves you! Pass it on!

  2. Emmaleah46781
    6 months ago

    Today I will make time for a friend who is going through a hard time. I will do my best to be present and patient with my son. I will bring my awareness to all the blessings I have in my life and be sure to show gratitude to those that help me along the way.

  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Today I will attempt to be present and
    available to whatever the day has in store
    for me. I will also attempt to practice non
    judgment and kindness. I have already fed
    and watered the cats. So there’s that 😁
    I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and
    thank you all for being here and sharing. 🙏

  4. Yram
    6 months ago

    My husband is preparing to leave for a 3 day retreat. I will help him by carrying stuff to the car, share the driving on a 2 hour trip, and engaging in good conversation.

  5. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    Thank you for today’s question as it comes to me at the right time. Every Sunday is my enjoyable day of tutoring. This is an opportunity for me to reinforce my English and using it to help the elderly people in my community. How meaningful it is! Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, routine feels peaceful. Your tutoring day lines up with my Menards day which also aligns with NFL football day for the US starting from right after the kids start school all the way to Mid February.

  6. Michele
    6 months ago

    Today is the Fall equinox – the season of change. 🍂🍁
    I can be of service today by being Present.
    Happy fall ya’ll 🙂

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Michele, I love cooler weather. Even better, less flies and mosquitos.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      And to you also Michele. Thank you.

  7. Patti
    6 months ago

    I can be of service by smiling and saying hello to others when I head out with the dogs for a walk at our favorite park. And then I can be of service by doing the household chores I’ve put off the past two days. Our place needs some loving care, so no running around exploring today!

  8. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    Playing piano at Menards to make people’s shopping experiences more comfortable is my way of being of service for today.

  9. Laura
    6 months ago

    As I will be on the road half the day, I will be particularly courteous to other drivers.

  10. J
    6 months ago

    My nephew and his partner are coming for dinner today. These young men have been together for several years, and have worked hard to establish themselves as working people, members of the community, and homeowners. We may hear more of their trials and tribulations than their parents since they live just 15 minutes from us here in Phoenix, and each of their parents are in the Midwest.
    I’ll treat them as my own children (who both are on the East coast).

  11. Ose
    6 months ago

    For today, to find good balance between urgently needed time off to just relax, meditate and taking a nap as well as fulfilling urgent tasks which cannot wait, probably undulating between these states a bit today. So it is both looking after myself as well as being of service for others, too. May you all have fine time and be blessed.

  12. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    Today my son will come and I will focus on being a good listener.

  13. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    6 months ago

    With the simple act of kindness and compassion.

  14. aly alva
    6 months ago

    Today I want to have a relaxing day. I think my service is for my family, since I want to clean up the house and go grocery shopping to make a nice dinner later. I hope to have time to finish a book that I’m enjoying on creative being. Big magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Happy Sunday fun day!

  15. EJP
    6 months ago

    Open my heart and soul to all in need.

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