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  1. B
    5 months ago

    My body has gone through so many changes in the past few years. Having a child has thrown my body, hormones and self-esteem for a total loop. Previously using alcohol to feel and deal with emotions I have learned how to cope without. It is freeing, it is difficult and wonderful. For me, my relationship and family I am done with it.
    Recently, losing extra body weight has really increased my motivation to continue making healthy life choices. I fear the downfall, but grateful for how far I have come. I want to be an example to my child in being healthy, loving myself (no matter what size) and to focus on gratitude.

  2. Ose
    5 months ago

    By cooking a strength-giving soup for others as well as for me, while an exhausting viral infection is running around in our community. I even ate of the soup this morning. and feeling physically better immedeately. It is cooked with love for my fellow friends and it feels fine to include myself into this also. Looking after others and including myself feels being on a good way to become well again. Wishing you all a beautiful day, dear friends whoshare and who visit here..

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      So kind, Ose. Be well.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    By walking 7000 steps today! Trying to eat healthy. Getting a good nights rest.

  4. Denette
    5 months ago

    Went on a much needed walk to move my body and be outdoors.
    I have eaten healthy so far today
    I have taken the supplements, shots and medication that my body needs
    I am dressed comfortably
    What I can do in the rest of the day is notice my inner experience more and attune to myself and the emotions I feel

  5. Mary
    5 months ago

    I can show appreciation for my body today by taking good care of it.
    I can be conscious of how it feels and what it needs throughout the day.
    I can release tension, by pausing and breathing through it.
    I will be spending much of today with my Mom.
    She has lived in the same assisted living facility for twelve years,
    We were told two weeks ago, that the facility will be closing
    and she needs to be out by Nov. 15. 😬
    We have found a new place for her, for which I am very grateful, as of yesterday.
    This is going to be a very hard move for her.
    She likes where she lives, and yesterday
    her very close friend moved out.
    Mom is very sad about losing her friend is apprehensive about the move.
    So it’s up to me to be there for her as much as I can
    and hopefully ease the transition.
    This brings me back to today’s very timely question.
    I can take care of my body by listening to it, and not ignoring it.
    I always want to save Mom, when she is in pain.
    It’s good to be there for her, but I have to let her navigate this situation herself.
    Being the oldest of three daughters, I became the rescue-er
    At 67, it’s time that I learn that I can’t save anyone.
    I can only help.
    I will begin by deciding to take care of myself as I am helping my Mom.
    This will look like me being moderate in the amount of time I spend each day with Mom.
    It will look like my valuing my own personal needs for socializing, exercising, and rest.
    I am glad I have this group on the Gratefulness website
    to help me to keep my priorities straight.
    The question of the day helps me each day to stay aligned with my values
    and to be grounded and balanced.
    So today I make a pledge to take care of my body.
    Blessings to all on this Tuesday. ♥️

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Wishing you the best of luck moving your mom into the new facility 🙂

      1. Mary
        5 months ago

        Thank you Michele!
        Wishing you and your family safety during this upcoming hurricane!

  6. Emmaleah46781
    5 months ago

    My son’s respite care worker is picking him up today for a short time and I will use that time to get some exercise. I will also be sure to get to bed early tonight; Im working a children’s fall break program today & I’m going to need all the energy I can get!

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    I will continue to do the things that have proven to work for me. I will spend time on the floor, stretching this morning. I will drink water and stay hydrated, during the day (this is something I could be better with). I will correct my posture, again and again. I will take deep breaths and relax my body on the exhale. I will eat food that is healthy and provides me with enough energy to keep going. I will remember to be grateful for this body.

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      Beautiful, Charlie.

  8. L
    5 months ago

    I will take a walk this morning, and try to calm myself as best as I can…..this storm is gonna do a number on my nerves….

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      So sorry you have to deal with this Lauryn.
      Wishing you the best!♥️

    2. Michele
      5 months ago

      I hear you and understand totally – not looking forward to it… and the fact that it will be a night hurricane too, ugh.

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Lauryn, Thinking of you and offering prayers for your safety

  9. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    5 months ago

    By giving it nourishing food and exercise and being mindful of my posture and body mechanics.

    As I type this, I also am noticing and feeling appreciation for my fingers that are typing, my nervous system that has learned the automatic touch typing, my eyes that are reading this. I pause and put my hands on my heart, “thank you body, for all the ways you are supporting me as I experience this complex and beautiful life and strive to be of service to others!” I will try to continue to notice and be mindful of the miraculous ways my different body systems are working together as I go through the activities of my day.

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      This is beautiful Elizabeth!
      I want to notice these things too,
      and am, just a little bit, now as I type. ♥️

    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      Your spontaneous gratitude towards your body is beautiful, Elizabeth H.🩷

  10. Linda72766
    5 months ago

    I need to eat more. Because of my husband’s illness, I am not eating properly. It is not good for me or my body. Today I will make a concerted effort to eat healthy and eat enough!

  11. Jenifer
    5 months ago

    These two weeks have been so hectic and I’ve forgotten to take the time to truly take care of myself and my body. I plan on tending to my body and being kind to it.

  12. Patti
    5 months ago

    Now that we’re back in WNC, I’d like to get some yoga in. I saw that the local studio I joined has opened back up, so I should sign up for some classes and use my credits before we up and move again. Plus, I really like the people who go there and need some normalcy.

  13. Josie
    5 months ago

    Reading everyone’s entries thus far reminds
    me to “go with the flow” today, pacing myself
    by taking rest breaks in between necessary tasks.

  14. Nannette
    5 months ago

    Today is not a travel day…We are on our journey home now. We had a busy day and a bit nreve provoking day yesterday driving from Illinois to Kentucky. Today, I am going to concentrate on my exercise and eating well. We had dinner at a restaurant last evening. It was good…very good indeed but not as healthy as we should be eating. I also did not sleep well…so U am going to try and rest as well. Thinnking of all those in Florida and praying that they will be spared from devastation. God Bless.

  15. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Thanks for today’s question as it serves as a reminder for me. The question tells me that my body needs more exercise. So, I should get back to my hula hoop practice.

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      Hula hoop, that sounds wonderful!
      I never was able to keep that hoop moving,
      but it looks like so much fun!!!

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Great idea, my Ngoc. I’ve noticed you in a better mood when you do that. Sleeping for a few hours in the afternoon is the last thing you need.

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