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  1. C
    Carissa Thomas
    11 months ago

    I have grown by changing who I want in my life and focusing more on quality than quantity. I have now learnt what I want and need in friendships and I will focus on those that have those needs met, rather than those that drain.

  2. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    11 months ago

    It seems change happens with me
    geologically. No movement, and then
    lots of movement. I hope it’s all going
    in the same direction.
    Kinder, calmer, and more empathetic.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    11 months ago

    I was promoted in my job not too long ago and with that I need to learn some new reporting skills. So far so good. However I do get anxious about learning new computer skills and hoping that it will not be too difficult. Once I do have it down, it feels great though!

  4. D
    11 months ago

    I have realized I need to get to know myself again. Not as a wife, mother, daughter or friend but as me. I feel like I am growing everyday and becoming more aware. My faith is getting stronger, my ability to stop, breath and find gratitude is becoming a daily practice.

    In Jay Shetty’s podcast from January about 7 step goal setting he says we all cycle through seasons of learning, experimenting, performing and thriving. Right now I am in the learning phase; reading, listening to podcasts, taking part in interesting discussions, learning how to meditate. It’s a fulfilling time and even though I know I have changed I feel like I am in the cocoon unaware of the full changes that await.

  5. Emmaleah46781
    11 months ago

    My sense of confidence and belief in myself has grown as of late as I have shown myself that I can do hard things; that I am capable of making changes rather than just wishing things were different. Thank you for all of your wonderful responses this morning. Visiting this site and reading your reflections makes such a positive impact on my day. 🌞

    1. Michele
      11 months ago

      ‘I am capable of making changes rather than just wishing things were different’ – I needed this today, thank you.

  6. D
    11 months ago

    I have worked really hard at being less flaky, towards others but also myself. It has resulted in me actually showing up more often. I’m not perfect yet, or even where I would like to be, but I really made a huge change in about three months time.

  7. A
    Adrian Arvizu
    11 months ago

    Practicing more stillness.

  8. Yram
    11 months ago

    With my husband’s health issues, I have learned to enjoy the moments and to know and be comfortable with change.

  9. Nannette
    11 months ago

    I cannot think of anything right now. I have been away for the winter and arrived home last evening. What a feeling of joy to be home. I have been absent from this site…a beloved daily ritual of mine. With constant “busyness” and people always about I had little time to stop and think…and just be. I am not back in my sanctuary…my home in the woods among the trees and the birds and a soft running creek. No near neighbors and no constant stream of people going by my windows. I am finally HOME and once again I will find my way here – and gain from all the wonderful wisdom here. Thank you all. I am happy to be back and see all the familiar names…I am peaceful once again. Blessings for this day.

    1. Nannette
      11 months ago

      Thank you all who responded to me!! How I have missed you all!!! Thank you, Thank you so much for your comments…This group of folks are absolutely the BEST!!! God Bless One and All!

    2. Michele
      11 months ago

      Welcome back Nannette:)

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      11 months ago

      Welcome Nannette.

    4. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      11 months ago

      Welcome back home, good to see you back here too.

    5. Carol Ann Conner
      11 months ago

      Nannette, Good to see you back out here!

    6. L
      Loc Tran
      11 months ago

      Welcome home, Nannette.

    7. Yram
      11 months ago

      I am happy you are home safely.

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    11 months ago

    My physical abilities have changed and I am being challenged to grow in my acceptance of the limitations those changes bring. Only with acceptance can I live and not just exist. There is a big difference between ‘giving in’ and ‘giving up.’ Today’s meditation from Richard Rohr reminds me of the importance, the need, to meet reality at the personal level before it can be applied at the universal level. To walk on holy ground, to encounter the sacredness of life, begins with the holding of my own life sacred. Lamenting over change is mind game and a waste of my time. To read Rohr’s meditation go to

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      11 months ago

      As a daily poetry reader in my morning practice, I especially appreciate this piece. Thank you for sharing!

      One of the poems I read this morning–not on today’s QOTD theme but worth sharing.

      1. S
        Ana Maria
        11 months ago

        BEautiful poem! Thank you for sharing the link!

      2. Carol Ann Conner
        11 months ago

        Barb, Thanks for sharing the poem “Lie Down.” It’s a good way to strt this day!

    2. Yram
      11 months ago

      I have not kept up with RR this week. Thanks for reminding me to take time for that.

  11. Antoinette88615
    11 months ago

    I’ve changed by letting go of my mind world- thoughts of this me and looking more to serve myself. Now I see more and more that this human mind is a copy machine taking pictures of everything. Letting go has made me change to the effect that I want to let go even more of this self who claims to exist. I’m ready to let go of the body and I pray I can let go of this picture as well. Thank you 🤩

  12. Patti
    11 months ago

    I can’t think of anything recently, but over the years I have learned to remain calm and also grown to love myself in a way I didn’t think was possible in the past. Loving myself has helped me make better decisions for myself, and my life is so much better than it used to be!

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      11 months ago

      Yes, love and acceptance of self opens the door between just existing and truly living.

  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    11 months ago

    More quiet! It brings me opportunities to listen and connect with my mind and surroundings better.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      11 months ago

      Agree. Time and space helps a lot.

  14. Kevin
    11 months ago

    I am enthralled by the words of Oscar Wilde this morning, more so than our Daily Question, though I sense a connection between the two.

    There are days that are challenging, when my body hurts, or, when tasks of a day are done, and simply existing feels more than enough. Yet come this new day I yearn for the ocean and sit for the sunrise, the water, the waves, gulls, and sea air and I am changed and made alive.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      11 months ago

      This is beautiful, Kevin. (And which Oscar Wilde?)

      1. Kevin
        11 months ago

        Thank you, Barb. You’ll need to school me on that question. I was only thinking of the poet and playwright Oscar Wilde. There’s another?

        1. Barb C
          Barb C
          11 months ago

          Oh, I meant what were you reading by Oscar Wilde? Then I realized later that the quote for the day was from him.

  15. Josie
    11 months ago

    Thanks to Joseph’s posts, I’m growing in my ability
    to invite the monkey-mind into my lap vs. spending energy trying to quell it.

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