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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 months ago

    My daughter will be getting a pass for Thanksgiving from her Sober living apartments (she was invited to spend with her son and his other grandparents in St Augustine). I offered to help pay for her bus ticket. She received a gift voucher from her son’s other grandmother so it will not be an expensive trip. She is doing so well and has worked so hard , she deserves this nice little get away!!

    Praying for a good voting outcome!

    1. Mary
      4 months ago

      I’m so happy for your daughter and your whole family, Robin Ann.

  2. D
    4 months ago

    Reaching out to people and seeing how they are. Sharing how I’m getting through and asking how they’re getting through.

  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    4 months ago

    Having a hard time concentrating on the question today. Hmmm, I wonder why?
    Anyway, I can’t think of a specific kindness to pay forward, except just being kind and helpful to people that I come in contact with. That’s all. Simple kindness.

  4. Yram
    4 months ago

    I don’t plan on going outside of the house today.
    I thanked the poll workers for their time as I voted this a.m.
    I will be very present to my husband as I attend his needs and requests.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      That is a good one, they do work very hard

  5. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    4 months ago

    I had been planning to email a friend of mine who is having surgery next week to see if I can bring a meal to her while she recovers. Perhaps today is the day for me to send that email!

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    4 months ago

    We could all use some kindness on this difficult day for the US. I shared the graphic for today’s quote of the day on my Facebook page and did the same yesterday with the wonderful quote about being brave, calm, and open toward each other. Those thoughtful statements in a season of rhetoric are an expression of kindness.

    One of my brothers is serving as a poll worker in Virginia. I called him Sunday to thank him for his civic service.

    If you haven’t voted in advance (my state is 100% mail-in vote so I already did), here’s your reminder that every vote on every race or other question on the ballot really does matter.

    I don’t know that I’ll end up leaving the house today, but I can express kindness toward my husband by bringing him coffee at some point. When I go for a walk around the neighborhood, as always I’ll smile at my neighbors and greet them. I also pick up any garbage I see along the way when I’m out on the busier streets nearby.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      I shared yesterday’s on my fb too and liked today’s also

    2. Elizabeth H67151
      Elizabeth H
      4 months ago

      Barb C, I also shared yesterday’s graphic and quote on Facebook. So inspiring and timely! The first step to creating the society we want is to have a vision for it, and Brother David articulates it so well in that quote.

  7. Carol Ann Conner
    4 months ago

    I will be at a luncheon today with several folks that do not agree with me politically. I will just be kind and remember to see the whole person not just their political view.

    1. Linda72766
      4 months ago

      Carol, kudos to you. That is hard to do (in my experience).

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        4 months ago

        Linda, I’m a liberal from a very conservative, and my dad’s side of the family is quite conservative. I know all that too well.

  8. pkr29022
    4 months ago

    I will treat all who cross my path today with kindness, respect & silent blessings. ❤️🙏🏻✨

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Good one, PKR. Politics can get divisive really quickly.

  9. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    4 months ago

    The teacher in the ESL class I’m assisting will visit her student to help with apartment issues today. She’s doing a fantastic job, going above and beyond what a teacher must do. I told her if she ever needs help with interpretation during the conversation with the student, she shouldn’t hesitate to contact me. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to help. Moreover, I hope the student’s challenges are resolved soon.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’ve seen it on multiple occasions. She’s a great teacher.

  10. Jenifer
    4 months ago

    By being present with others, by telling my loved ones how much they mean to me.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Jennifer, we have so much going on in our minds that we end up forgetting about family and close friends.

  11. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    4 months ago

    The first thing that came to mind is this; like every household, we have an ongoing list of things we need to do or want to to. Often that is a secondary list to the day to day taking care of business in a household. Today, I will take care of one of those items on the list that my husband might typically do and surprise him.

  12. Patti
    4 months ago

    hmm…. I have some errands to run, so I’ll smile at those I encounter and thank those who help me.

  13. M
    Bam Bam Vincent
    4 months ago

    Paying it forward, in my opinion, is such a simple way to make someone’s day a little better. Sometimes simply using good manners, such as thank you or your welcome will catch people by surprise. Opening the door for someone, letting someone in front of you at the grocery line, even paying the for the meal of someone behind you at the drive thru line.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 months ago

      Bam Bam Vincent, this sounds like a title of a movie. The teacher, Mr. Simmonette, gave his students an assignment on how they can make the world a better place. A kid name Travis came up with a big idea called “Pay It Forward” where 1 person does something kind for 3 people and so on multiplying by 3 each time.

  14. Michele
    4 months ago

    I plan on writing out a thank you card to my cousin and her husband – my Dad and I met up with them for lunch and they ended up paying the bill which was unexpected and a nice gesture.

  15. Antoinette88615
    4 months ago

    Bring cream to the party !

    1. pkr29022
      4 months ago


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