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  1. T
    Tyrone Clownsmith
    2 months ago

    I value wildlife. It might benefit from my attention because who else prays for helpless wild animals getting killed as their habitat becomes encroached upon and destroyed. So they need my protection which for now is only prayer attention.

    1. sparrow51014
      2 months ago

      All things wild,
      dear Mustafa,
      are our brothers and sisters,
      and we need to protect them
      as we do each other…
      thank you for posting this. ♥

    2. D
      2 months ago

      I send prayers often for the animals affected by both natural and human destruction.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    2 months ago

    Ethical behavior. To that end Trump in the office is very disturbing. I try not to look at it but it could impact my employer so there is no way to ignore it. I pray that all will calm down and be somewhat peaceful the next 4 years..

    1. Mary
      2 months ago

      It’s not a pretty picture, is it.
      I find myself not wanting to look
      and looking away, quite a bit.

  3. A
    Alice Shapiro
    2 months ago

    Acceptance is key– this is something that when I am focused on it, allows me to respond to life vs. react to what is happening.

  4. S
    Suzanne S
    2 months ago

    I value congruence. It embodies the quality of being in agreement, harmony, and alignment. When I am congruent, I feel fully present—standing firmly in my truth. It’s a state where I may feel powerful or simply grounded in authenticity. In others, congruence feels safe, moral, and inspiring.

  5. Ose
    2 months ago

    among many,. I value friendship, which is nourished by attention and loving kindness and might possibly unfold, if it is meant to be.

  6. Yram
    2 months ago

    I value curiosity and exploration. I helps me grow as a person.

  7. sparrow51014
    2 months ago

    I hold the relationship with my husband
    as holy . . .
    it is a sacred bond
    that needs to be honored.
    Seeing that I am writing this
    in the midst of mild turmoil,
    it bears witness to the strength of my desire.
    We are at the stage of our journey together
    where we are having to realize
    that we can’t do everything without help,
    and this has been painful for both of us.
    This is the time
    when we can truly strengthen our bond . . .
    when we are more vulnerable to outside forces,
    and a hint of frailty seeps in,
    This is when we can give our egos a break,
    and communicate more intimately
    with each other.
    When my parents were in this stage,
    they drew away . . .
    my mother drew away,
    as she was the strongest and most pig-headed,
    and because of this
    they did not share the holy separation of death.
    It pained me . . .
    taught me
    that I didn’t want this to happen with me.

    I WANT to share my vulnerabilities with my husband,
    and I WANT him to share his with me . . .
    I think he sees this with some relief in his eyes,
    relief that he doesn’t need to hold up the mask anymore.
    These years
    are the final test of our love.
    We are tending this garden together,
    being mindful of the other’s needs,
    and shedding the superficial
    for what lies underneath . . .
    the Real.
    What’s important in the end.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      2 months ago

      Sparrow, your sharing is full of truth and tenderness, expressed beautifully. Thank you.❤️

      1. sparrow51014
        2 months ago

        It’s taken a lifetime,
        dear Mary,
        to build the trust we have in each other…
        thank you. ♥

    2. Mary
      2 months ago

      This is such a beautiful share, Sparrow.
      I send so much love to you and your husband.

      I would like to share deeply with my husband,
      but although our love is strong,
      he is not big on sharing his feelings
      nor does he want to be vulnerable.
      Sometimes I am frustrated by this.
      Other times I try to accept him as he is,
      and just appreciate his goodness and kindness.

      1. sparrow51014
        2 months ago

        It has taken years,
        dear Mary…
        for my husband to share his feelings.
        He is stoic to a fault.
        Do not lose hope. ♥

        1. Mary
          1 month ago

          Thank you dear Sparrow! ♥️

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 months ago

      Thank you for this reflection dear Sparrow.

      1. sparrow51014
        2 months ago

        Thank you,
        dear Joseph,
        for the wisdom that you bring
        to this place. ♥

    4. Anna
      2 months ago

      Beautiful, dear Sparrow

      1. sparrow51014
        2 months ago

        Thank you,
        dear Anna . . .
        I think it’s a beautiful thing
        to share deeply
        and from the soul,
        especially as we get older
        and the ‘things of this world’
        fade away. ♥

    5. Yram
      2 months ago

      What a great insight we are still working on this.

      1. sparrow51014
        2 months ago

        Thank you,
        dear Yram…♥️

  8. Mary
    2 months ago

    I value relationships with family members.
    I could take the time to plan family gatherings,
    make the phone calls, and get things arranged.
    Time is passing. I don’t have forever.
    I don’t want to die regretting that I did not nurture connections
    with the next two generations of family.
    I don’t want to walk unconsciously through my life.
    Wake up Mary!

    Thank you for this excellent question. ♥️

  9. Carol Ann Conner
    2 months ago

    I share a Morning Med I wrote in 2021 about what I value. It still rings true for me today and today’s question and quote:
    “In the bigger scheme of things the universe is not asking us to do something, the universe is asking us to be something. And that’s a whole different thing.”

    Morning Med February 2021
    How might I embody a deeply held value today? My focus today is on “letting go.” I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to flee. I don’t want to freeze. I want to BE the peace I seek here and now. I value knowing over knowledge, experience over man-made dogma. I know that my tense body makes it difficult to embody peace. Today’s question asks me to explain how I can be that peace. Today and hopefully every day, I will be mindful of my thoughts and feelings. I will use the mantra, “Relax and Release.” I will remember to act not react, to forgive my self and others when we fail to do so. The decision to forgive does not mean that I totally “let go.” It does mean that I’m willing and that allows grace to flow. It reminds me of the song, “Peace is Flowing like a River.” I want peace to flow in and through me. I share the verse of a Gary Ault hymn I find very helpful because it reminds me that my heart is both frightened and free and that is okay.
    “All that we have, and all that we offer,
    Comes from our heart both frightened and free.
    Take what we bring now and give what we need,
    All done in His Name.”

    1. Mary
      2 months ago

      Carol, so much wisdom here.
      Thank you!
      I copied several quotes from this wonderful post.
      These concepts are not new to me.
      They are just such excellent reminders!
      The following is what I pulled from your post.

      *I want to be the peace I seek here and now.

      *Mantra- relax and release.

      *Act don’t react, and forgive myself and others when we fail to do so.

      *I want peace to flow in and through me.

      *Song- Peace is Flowing like a River

      *All that we have and all that we offer comes from our heart both frightened and free. Gary Ault hymn

  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    2 months ago

    I value integrity ( and many other things) and I will try to live my principles. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Doing the things that I know are good for me and the world, is a constant tension. Requiring action and energy and courage. Fighting the tendency towards sloth and entropy.

    1. sparrow51014
      2 months ago

      I live with this tension too,
      dear Charlie…
      ever since my mobility was severely compromised for 1 1/2 years.
      Immobility became a habit.
      Now I’m trying to break it.
      I feel encouraged by your post…
      Thank you. ♥️

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      2 months ago

      When I hear the word “Integrity” I think of my mentor who use to tell me the importance of integrating my insides and my outsides. For me that is a reminder “to be” before “I do.” Mindfulness…Presence…Human BEing not just Human Doing!

  11. Jenifer
    2 months ago

    I value consideration. To be thought of is a beautiful thing, you were on someone’s mind. They care for you and want you to feel safe, comfortable, happy. They go the extra mile with you in mind. Ex: I left my jewelry in my sisters bag and she lives with our mom. I asked her to hold them for me until the next time I can pick it up. Instead, she drives 15 minutes to drop them off to me. Not a long drive, but she knows how much I like my jewelry and how put together I feel with them, that she decides to take the trip to deliver them personally. And for that, I am grateful for my sweet little sister. 🧡

    1. Mary
      2 months ago

      Jennifer, I love hearing about you and your sister.
      She was so thoughtful to deliver your jewelry.
      Such a sweet story. ♥️

  12. L
    Loc Tran
    2 months ago

    I value consistency. It builds trust and respect. Credability is everything.
    I remember “Writing and Research” from my college days. We learned about, ethics, empathy, and logic. The professor explained the order as “Ethos Pathos Logos.” That’s credability, empathy, and logic. I agree with credability coming 1st. But however, the other 2 depends on the situation. As a more logical person, I’m likelier to go “Ethos logos pathos.”

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      2 months ago

      Very interesting, LOC TRAN, “credibility, empathy and logic.” Thanks so much for sharing this. It has given food for thought about myself. I definitely want to be “credible” but I’m kind of drawn to let “empathy and logic” be equal because I want to come to most situations with compassion and sometimes “logic” gets in my way!

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        2 months ago

        No problem, Carol. Not too long ago, I wanted to show more empathy as well. Returning to my logical base helps me empathize more effectively. My investments are returned.

  13. Patti
    2 months ago

    Human interaction. Because I do not have a job right now (my job is finishing my yoga studies), I am not out and around people all the time. So when I do go out, I make a point to speak to others. Cashiers at stores, the guy sitting next to us when we went to a sports bar to watch our team and be around other fans, someone in line in front or behind me at the spot I like to grab lunch from, and most especially the yoga studio I found. The teachers and students are all so nice, and it’s easy to start up a conversation before or after class. I appreciate the interactions and know they will increase as we continue to get settled into our semi-new city.

    1. S
      Suzanne S
      2 months ago

      I can relate to the experience of being a new resident in an unfamiliar city after a move with the same need.

      1. Patti
        2 months ago

        I lived in the same city all of my life until we moved a few months ago, so this is a very new experience for me.

    2. sparrow51014
      2 months ago

      I too,
      live in relative isolation,
      dear Sunnipatti,
      and most of my social engagement
      is present with service people.
      It’s highly rewarding for me,
      and I hope for them,
      as they are often treated like robots
      or unfeeling beings. ♥️

      1. Patti
        2 months ago

        We served a lot of rich people when we were catering before we moved. We served one particular family multiple times, and they had more money than I could fathom. They treated us like family, welcoming us with hugs when we arrived to cook for them and even checking in on us a few times since we left the lowcountry. I always appreciate when people treat others with respect. It is, after all, the golden rule 🙂

    3. L
      Loc Tran
      2 months ago

      Sunnapatti, I find myself feeling happier and more refreshed when I socialize with others.

      1. Patti
        2 months ago

        Socializing is such an important part of our being. It has so many benefits!

    4. Carol Ann Conner
      2 months ago

      Patti, Yes, relationship is at the core of everything. Mother Nature is constantly trying to teach us that.

      1. Patti
        2 months ago

        She certainly is! Lots of hard-headed students out there!

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    2 months ago

    My brain. I love my brain, and all its capacities. That being said, I know it needs attention to continue to thrive and develop. I have been tuning into this as of late, especially when I can’t pull up an apparent word in conversation, or details of a once vivid memory aren’t all there! It is more of a frustration than a problem. And so I continue to challenge my lovely brain; moving in new ways, reading “hard stuff”, engaging in new experiences, solving problems, (and love finding a solution). And simply appreciating and nurturing my brain in its’ many ways of being intelligent.

    1. sparrow51014
      2 months ago

      Thank you,
      dear Mary …
      your post has given me something to think about…
      it also made me smile. 🙂

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      2 months ago

      ” I love my brain, and all its capacities.” Powerful message. Thank You. I don’t think I have ever thought of giving thanks to my brain! And to be totally honest, I’ve been slow about giving thanks to my body! After all, it is my home.

  15. J
    2 months ago

    I struggled with this, and eliminated physical items such as chair or car. I considered feelings, but they can deceive, though I have them. I thought truth might fit the bill, but truth is most often based on facts.
    I was educated in the sciences, and we were always on the lookout for what we could document actually happens if this is done or if that is done. And is it reproducible? Does table salt always consist of sodium and chloride? Are clouds made mostly of water and dust? Are strokes more common in people with high blood pressure? (how low is safe?) and so on. When I read that something happened that seems out of the ordinary, I am inclined to ask someone or myself: “How do we know that it is that way?” Sometimes, I take a deep dive into the phenomenon, and it is fun and satisfying, and often enlightening.

    1. Mary
      2 months ago

      I appreciate your scientific way of looking at things.
      I like facts, even though I do see shades of gray in everything.
      It actually saddens me that spirituality is not based on knowable facts.
      Why the veil? Why the veil?
      The faith part is challenging for me.
      In the past I have gone from having little faith
      to a state of deep knowing.
      I loved that feeling of knowing that there is so much more to life
      than what can be proven with facts.
      This website is helping me, little by little, to enter that state of knowing once again.
      Wishing you peace and love John.

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