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What is bringing my life meaning right now? -
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  1. L
    3 years ago

    I am signing up to do meaningful community projects as a volunteer.
    I am also making an effort to have more good food on hand to prepare and eat at home with my husband. While working I didn’t bother much with that, and ate on the run (if at all). It feels good to prepare and eat good food!

  2. B
    Brown Rose
    3 years ago

    Having goals/a to-do list

  3. Sandra 37488
    3 years ago

    Fall and how it is showing us the beauty i.n letting go .

  4. Don Jones69078
    Don Jones
    3 years ago

    I am thinking that “meaning making” is a reductive process. I am in an expansive mode at the moment, so it is more about paying attention to what is. An exploration of the hierarchy of Heaven and Earth.

  5. O. Christina36171
    3 years ago

    Closeness and intimacy with my dear ones with whom I am right now, where there is softness, honesty and space for the wrongs we all do, and equally for the good we all do leads to be intensely aware of our shared vulnerability. To take care even more and to love deeply.

  6. Dusty Su 14325
    Dusty Su
    3 years ago

    Rest, reflection, realization, recouping!

  7. d
    3 years ago

    Helping others with what they have to do. Being of assistance.

  8. pkr29022
    3 years ago

    My daughter.
    My cousin.
    A renewed relationship with my Sister, who was β€œlost” for many years.
    Myself. I am trying to heal & care for myself, after being my mother & brother’s only caregiver for 1.5 years. Having been displaced from my home on the West Coast, I am back. I need lots of tending to, as does my β€œhome”.
    My faith.

    1. O. Christina36171
      3 years ago

      Dear pkr, welcome back. May healing and care be with you. I will keep you in my prayers. Wishing you a good nights sleep and may you wake up refreshed to meet the new day, in faith.

      1. pkr29022
        3 years ago

        Dear Ose, thank you for your kind thoughts & prayers. Peace & Love to you from a very windy, rainy No. California. πŸ™πŸŒ¨πŸ’¨β€οΈπŸ™

  9. Elaine19531
    3 years ago

    Hosting a gratefulness gathering which begins Monday!

    Supporting smart young climate justice champions in words, actions, money.

    3 years ago

    Life herself. Every day new and gift.

  11. Marnie Jackson34408
    Marnie Jackson
    3 years ago

    Working with people as a team to make a better school. Connecting with and enjoying my family.

  12. sparrow51014
    3 years ago

    . . . in a way,
    the dying of my mother in law,
    which brings me to an increased presence to my own life,
    and connecting with her
    in these last moments . . .
    an awareness of the cycle of all things,
    at one with the Universe . . .
    bringing to the surface
    what is important and what is not . . .

    1. Sandra39313
      3 years ago

      Sparrow, I am in a similar position. Your words have special resonance. I am glad your mother in law is peaceful and you have these insights as you and she journey through this process πŸ™

      1. sparrow51014
        3 years ago

        Thank you,
        dear Sandra…
        I am grateful for this . . .

      3 years ago

      I am sorry for your loss, sparrow. Gentle blessings and peace to you and your family.

      1. sparrow51014
        3 years ago

        Thank you,
        dear Pilgrim . . .
        she is still on the precipice,
        but is at peace…

  13. Mary Pat10798
    Mary Pat
    3 years ago

    Always my children and grandchildren. Our dog. Because I have Covid, and am now finished with quarantine, I hope to help others with making meals when they are sick with the meal train others have helped me with, as well as walking another persons dog when they are sick, just as others did for us. In helping others, I bring a new kind of meaning to my life. I thought I was too old anymore to make meals for others or help them in any way, but one of the “helpers” I have had is a young mother, and has started asking me questions about how to be a good mother to her baby…she had a traumatic childhood. I will offer what guidance I can, and that brings about another meaning to life now…I will be the “helper” when asked!

  14. Me40932
    3 years ago

    Routine, work, calmness

  15. Chester
    3 years ago

    Simultaneous self cultivation and giving of my perspective and support to others – that has been the prevailing theme for most of my life and expect these two priorities will continue to be most meaningful and important – although expect the relative focus on each will continue to vary over time.

  16. Holly in Ohio90819
    Holly in Ohio
    3 years ago

    I think most people want very much to do something about climate change and pollution, but they don’t always know what they can do, or how easy it is, and may feel a little powerless. I feel blessed that now I’m almost accidentally of service to others, in helping them find little things they can do that have a big impact. I was just asked yesterday if I would speak about recycling at a nature center in Texas, of all places! It’s a bit too far for me, practically, but I was flattered. So to answer the question, service is one of the things that gives meaning to my life right now, being able to answer questions or hold a lantern to show the way, to empower others and help them realize that they can make a difference.

    Love for humanity and the earth brings meaning to my life.

  17. Nelson T25657
    3 years ago

    I shut down my work computer early yesterday. I promised my partner this weekend I wouldn’t work. This weekend is all about quality time with family. It feels so good to reconnect with loved ones.

  18. Patricia14035
    3 years ago

    Using the last of the garden veggies: a bunch of green cherry tomatoes… I mean a whole bunch! … how do I use them if I don’t want to pickle them? I found a chicken and green tomato chili recipe that I’ll make later today. I find that using as much as I can of the produce of my own garden brings joy and meaning…. and immense gratitude.

    1. Holly in Ohio90819
      Holly in Ohio
      3 years ago

      There are also two ways I’ve found to ripen many green tomatoes, Patricia. One year before frost I pulled up whole tomato plants, roots and all, and hung them upside down in my mud room. It actually worked! In a week I had more red tomatoes. The other way (less messy) is to take green tomatoes and put them in a brown paper bag, and then check them every day. As tomatoes become red, remove them from the bag. Not all the green tomatoes will ripen. If they are still small and hard, they will stay green. I hope you have a lovely meal tonight, Patricia! I know what you mean about “the last of tomatoes until next year.” πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

      1. Patricia14035
        3 years ago

        It’s so funny that you wrote this – I did the same thing with a ton of regular tomato plants a few years ago, but hung them upside down in my unheated garage – (but under the house, so it never completely freezes but just kind of a root cellar temp). When I’d open the garage door, it looked like I was drying marijuana plants in there, seriously! … Luckily we live in the woods so no neighbors could report my suspicious behavior! We had tomatoes ripening all the way to Thanksgiving that year. I’ve done the paper bag thing with large tomatoes, but I frankly just want to use up these little guys and be done with them! Big tomatoes are worth the time and effort to baby them along…

        1. Holly in Ohio90819
          Holly in Ohio
          3 years ago

          Lol. Enjoy them, Patricia! We will both be waiting and anticipating next year’s tomatoes!

  19. Michele17440
    3 years ago

    The joy of watching an armadillo and a feral cat I named Daphne in my backyard. What an active morning! I have been feeding this cat for over a week now – I think she is feral and not a neighbors because she is very scared of me and does not come up. I talk to her and she meows back at me. She is soo cute. I had seen the armadillo once before months ago so it was a treat to see him very active all over my yard this morning. Oh and of course the peacocks too.

    1. L
      3 years ago

      Give it time…there is a not-so-feral cat who I’ve been feeding for over a year…in the past two months, he’s finally allowed me to pet him… I’ve started thinking of these guys as garden cats 🐈

    2. Javier Visionquest65209
      Javier Visionquest
      3 years ago

      Armadillos are tactical assault opossums

      1. Holly in Ohio90819
        Holly in Ohio
        3 years ago

        Lol Javier.

  20. Nannette27828
    3 years ago

    My faith, the love of my husband and the love and craziness of my life with my dog and two cats. It is now Autumn and the air is cooler, leaves are dancing as they fall…a time of looking back and looking ahead. I am so thankful for this life.

  21. EP29020
    3 years ago

    My amazing grandchildren!!

  22. Butterfly66846
    3 years ago

    Feeling in touch with the cycle of nature. Autumn is such a beautiful season and brings the birds back to my garden where they know there will be food for them. And, of course, my friends and family, who I know are always there for me. And the special joy that comes with watching my two little granddaughters growing and developing. Such great blessings!

  23. devy39652
    3 years ago

    An experience that I had yesterday. I went to my home town to have a coffee and catch up with friends. On my way there I stopped off at the local cemetery to visit my family’s graves site. When I arrived at the cafe I reached into my pocket for my drivers licence that I need as well as proof of vaccination when I realized that it was missing. I searched everywhere but could not find it. After our coffee one of my friends and I decided to walk through the town . As part of Remembrance Day, the town has hung banners of all the military veterans who came from there my friend pointed out a banner of my father in front of the town hall. He took a photo of me standing in front of it. After our walk, I knew that I had to return home., but something pulled me back to visit the family grave site again. When I pulled up to park nearby I noticed something glistening in the sun lying on top of the autumn leaves on the ground. It was my drivers license! Somehow, I had been pulled back.. coincidence? I don’t know.. but it really made me think that something, or someone beyond influenced me..

    1. Butterfly66846
      3 years ago

      What a special experience, Devy. Definitely a “meant to be” one.

  24. Sandra39313
    3 years ago

    As my parents journey towards the ends of their lives, the meaning of my own intensifies. As I spend time in between visiting them this week with my son, my daughter and her sons, and see younger lives evolving and blossoming, a further perspective is added to the meaning of my own. Life is a wondrous thing ❀️️

    1. Holly in Ohio90819
      Holly in Ohio
      3 years ago

      It is, Sandra. I wish I had asked my parents more about their parents and what they remembered of their grandparents. You have the opportunity now to ask yours, if you wish to. πŸ™‚

  25. Antoinette88615
    3 years ago


  26. Maurice Frank32783
    Maurice Frank
    3 years ago

    Serving others however I can, when I can.

  27. sunnypatti48317
    3 years ago

    The love I share with my husband, my yoga practice, and my new role at work. I am blessed in so many ways and woke up thinking what a beautiful life this is πŸ’œ

  28. L
    Lee Anne
    3 years ago

    My faith, which is my joy. πŸ™Œ β€œFor God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”Love to all on this new day of glory. Autumn has finally arrived! Woodsmoke wafts through the air, the leaves crunch as I walk and swirl like ballerinas with the slightest breeze. The air is cool and crisp with a robin-egg blue sky above. Mother Earth is showing off today. Blessings to all! πŸπŸ‚πŸ₯€

    1. pkr29022
      3 years ago

      Lee Anne, your words are so beautiful….thank you. Happy Autumn to You. Peace & Love, πŸ‚πŸ™πŸ‚

      1. L
        Lee Anne
        3 years ago

        Thank you! Blessed be ~ πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

  29. Howie Geib97277
    Howie Geib
    3 years ago

    Having been on a long journey I am finally coming home today. It would be hard to overstate how I feel about that. The fact that I have a home I love and have missed, and that I have had the good fortune to have work again (which brought about the travel) all bring to a close my personal chapter in our collective struggle to some large extent. And more powerful perhaps is the wonder at my own resilience.

  30. kevinthequaker123
    3 years ago

    My family and my faith are always at the top of what brings my life meaning, followed by being on our near the ocean, and, with my rowing team (in fact, headed to the harbor in an hour from now to set up the boat), and capturing slices of the aforementioned with photography.

    1. Mary Pat10798
      Mary Pat
      3 years ago

      Kevin, you often have written through the years about your rowing team. I have never known anyone on one, so am finally going to look up rowing teams on google and see what all this is about….it sounds like a wonderful part of your life. Thanks for sharing it.

      1. kevinthequaker123
        3 years ago

        Hello Mary Pat, I am not sure where you are located in terms of nearness to water, be it rivers, lakes or oceans, but rowing clubs are located all over the world. And there’s different kinds of clubs rowing all kinds of different styles of boats depending on the types of water and sizes of the boats. We row whaleboats, which are 28 feet long, six foot beam, with five rowers and one boat steerer(coxswain). There are teams combined of men and women (like ours) or gender specific, oftentimes within the same overall club. Some crews enter a lot of races while never do. (We do several races a year but our favorite one we do every year in February is called the “Snow Row,” in which 75-100 boats of all types compete in February (and yes, we’re in New England, and it’s on the ocean in open water!)

        There’s just nothing like being out on the water to see the sun rise, or set, and to be out there with a crew enjoying the exercise, fresh air and mutual camaraderie. I hope that you find a chance to explore rowing further!

        1. Mary Pat10798
          Mary Pat
          3 years ago

          Thank you! I find this fascinating….will look up more on google, and thank you for the information…

  31. Christine25199
    3 years ago


    1. Holly in Ohio90819
      Holly in Ohio
      3 years ago


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