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  1. K
    Katrina wong
    7 months ago

    God and his constantness in my life. God never changes. He is always with me, in all my circumstances and the good and bad. Life goes up and down. Things are out of our control. But what is always constant is that God is for me. And that my circumstances never define how well life is going for me. I am always grateful for the daily gift of being here.

  2. TofuLove75790
    7 months ago

    Thinking, you know, probably seeing hopefulness modeled for me — like there have been moments I felt pretty low and in those moments something snapped me out of it which was like a reminder of the good in the world and seemed hopeful. Kind of like the hope fire is dwindling and then something happens that is like that gentle breeze that reignites the flames.

  3. Barb C
    Barb C
    7 months ago

    Like Joseph, I’ve felt many shades of darkness but I don’t recall that I’ve felt truly hopeless. I’ll credit both of my parents with setting the example that you just do what needs to be done.

    I have an inner resilience and sense of optimism that eventually I’ll get past whatever it is. “Sometimes the only way out is through” has been a phrase I remind myself of when I’ve needed it. I don’t know where I got it but it’s true, and it helps. Remembering other hard things and how I grew and learned from them helps too.

  4. barba
    7 months ago

    Zen. Always returning to my pillow. Here I am. Here I can be. This is my life.

  5. N
    Niarah Sigears
    7 months ago

    Thus kpop group called enhypen they make this type of music that makes me feel happy and everytime i watch their daily vlogs are videos it makes me laugh and happy than i was before and i like doing their dances and sing their songs and they make learn korean and understand them and they help me a lot and they inspire me that i can do anything as long as i put work into and i can do anything i want and that studying is a big part of it too and also they have this singing voice that make me feel calm and safe and more myself and I can be me than trying to act like someone else that isnt me and another one is anime because they give off this stories that are amazing and fun to watch and it makes me happy and like im re going through my childhood again but watching better verisons and that it makes me think magic is real and the love animes teach me how to love someone the right way and not hurt yourself or others around you

  6. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    7 months ago

    My faith mainly, support groups and very close friends and family. Self help books/online readings & yoga/relaxation classes.

  7. Ose
    7 months ago

    Dear friends and family who were willing to be together with me even when times were rough, and, if needed, were so kind to lending an ear, a hand as well as spending quality time together; where Love and Light shines through in people close to my heat or in nature.

  8. Linda72766
    7 months ago

    My husband has always been there for me. We have been together 36 years, and he has unfailingly supported me through the ups and downs of my life.
    He is at the end of his life, and preparing to leave this earth. My heartbreak is beyond words, but I also don’t want him to suffer any more. He is strong and stoic, and I want to be there for him. It is a very hard time for us.

    1. Yram
      7 months ago

      I surround you and your husband with peace and love.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Yram.

    2. Patti
      7 months ago

      Sending you & your husband much love, strength and prayers, Linda.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, SunnyPatti.

    3. Michele
      7 months ago

      Prayers to both of you Linda.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Michele.

    4. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      7 months ago

      Blessings on you each, Linda. Peace my Friend.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Mary.

    5. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      Soothing compassion to you and your husband’s way, dear Linda.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Joseph.

    6. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      7 months ago

      Praying for you both dear Linda

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Robin Ann.

    7. Anna
      7 months ago

      Dear Linda, I will pray for your husband and for you.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Anna.

    8. Pilgrim
      7 months ago

      My heart and prayers are with you and your family, Linda.

      1. Linda72766
        7 months ago

        Thank you, Pilgrim.

  9. Carol Ann Conner
    7 months ago

    The what? is service. 12-step taught me the importance of being there for others. The who? are many. Some have actually crossed my path; others have written books I’ve read. I am also the WHO. It reminds me of a quote from Howard Therman: “Cultivate the discipline of listening to the sound of the genuine in yourself.”

    Today’s quote from Diana Butler Bass points to how one can learn to identify the genuine in ourselves: “Gratitude is the capacity to stare doubt, loss, chaos and despair right in the eye and say, ‘I am still here.”

    1. L
      7 months ago

      Thank you 🙏 I love being able to connect the daily question and the quote and you did that perfectly today.

  10. T
    7 months ago

    Yoga and meditation have helped me through. My partner is supportive and reminds me of the good.

  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    7 months ago

    At my most hopeless, thoughts of my few
    good friends has given me some reason
    to keep going. It is these amazing people
    that sustain me and make this whole thing worthwhile. It is why I spend time, almost
    every day, reaching out and staying
    connected to people that I care about.
    People who have helped me on this crazy

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      “What a long, strange trip it’s been!” I concur Charlie T.
      Grateful Dead “Truckin”

  12. Yram
    7 months ago

    The unpredictability of random acts of kindness. Friends, mentors, authors spiritual leaders, nature, good food, my faith, and restorative rest.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      7 months ago

      Restorative rest, Yram. Amen.

  13. L
    7 months ago

    Music – it’s always been a constant in my life, whether I’ve been playing it, dancing to it, or just listening to it. Classical, rock, metal, house, techno, bluegrass, ambient, IDM, jazz…. Have all helped sustain me in one way or another throughout my life.

  14. Pilgrim
    7 months ago

    My Spiritual directors and mentors on the pathways of life. My family. Longtime friends. Hope.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    7 months ago

    Ngoc and my mom jump out. Ngoc’s gentleness and affection warms my heart. My mom’s positivity brings hope, excitement, and optimism.
    Going further, I have Phil Jackson and Shunryu Suzuki. Their works gives me balance, simplicity, and keeps me calmer under chaos. The former’s works comes from the ladder. Phil carried “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” everywhere he went during his coaching days. I read a couple of his books in “Sacred Hoops” and “11 Rings, the Soul of Success”, and many of his ideas come from “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind.”

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      7 months ago

      Loc Tran, I so appreciate your references to Phil Jackson as I admire him as well. He is unique amongst coaches in relationship to his application of his Zen practices to coaching and leadership. So often, I have thought of a quote of his you shared,
      « Forget the ring ». So helpful in remembering what’s most important in any pursuit. Thank you.

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        7 months ago

        Thanks Mary, and no problem.

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