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Hope is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart.
It transcends the world that is immediately experienced
and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons.
Hope is the shaper of dreams, the tiller of possibility. It gives life to our most treasured longings – the aspirations we have for ourselves, as well as those we carry so tenderly for the people we love and for the world at large. If we’re fortunate, we can name times in our lives when hope seems an overflowing well – a life-giving source of both sustenance and possibility. We can dip our cup in over and over, and there is always enough to keep us going. Yet many of us also know the experience of the well seeming to dry up – of thirsting for hope in the face of loss or despair. It’s in these times that our very lifeforce begins to wilt.
What then? How do we refill our personal well of hope? How are we, in turn, able to be a source of hope for others? How does hope inform our actions in the world? And through practice, how might we cultivate hope as an orientation to life that transcends circumstance – that opens our hearts to the mystery of what is yet unknown to us?
Beginning August 22, we invite you to join us for a 5-day gratefulness practice that explores the ways that grateful living can inspire, nourish, and sustain hope in times of both ease and difficulty. Whether you are feeling full of hope at this moment in your life and want to tend and share your wellspring – or you’re struggling to maintain hope in the face of personal challenge or collective grief, this practice offers daily reflections and inspirational resources designed to cultivate hope, both within and around us.
How the practice will work:
- Registration is FREE and open through Friday, August 19 at Noon, EDT.
- Beginning on Monday, August 22 and continuing for five consecutive days you will receive an email with a link to the day’s practice.
- Each day’s resources and community reflections will remain available to you after the practice ends; you can revisit them at your leisure.
- Once signed up, you will receive your first email on Monday, August 22.
Faced with brokenness, gratitude has the power to heal.
Faced with despair, gratitude has the power to bring hope.
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I have a question about registering with y0u for the 5 Day Challenge. I didn’t notice but a friend mentioned that our information is shared with other organizations. I want to do the challenge but don’t want my name shared. Is there a way for my name to be excluded from that sharing?
Thank you.
Hi Gracia – I am so pleased to be able to reassure you that we have never, ever sold or given our lists of participants, subscribers, donors, or community members to anyone, ever for any reason whatsoever. You (and all those who participate in Grateful Living offerings) are safe with us. Hope this helps to encourage you to join us for the 5-Day Hope Practice. Warmly – Kristi
I have tried to register but it keeps saying it has timed out so I have not been able to do so. Thanks. Heather
Hi Heather! I’m sorry you are having trouble registering. Can you let us know on which page you are receiving this message? I will also share some steps below for registering, in hopes that they will help the process. Let me know if you’re still having trouble.
Here are some tips to register (note: you do not need to log in to register for the practice):
1. Click the Register Here button on the Practice Event page above
2. On the Registration page, click the ‘+’ sign to add 1 registrant and Sign Up on the lower right sidebar
3. On the optional donation page, click Skip, or Checkout to offer a gift in support of our work
4. Complete the form and click Purchase on the lower right sidebar
I still can’t register I’m afraid . I follow all the instructions but it won’t let me sign up. Does it matter that I am in the UK ?
Heather – I am sorry you are struggling still. I can sign you up if you would like. Just email contact@gratefulness.org and let me know you would like me to do that and I will.
Hi Heather, I too am in the UK and wondered why I couldn’t register, then I twigged that I had to put on a quantity if how many places changing the 0 to 1. Hey presto! I have registered. This may not have been your difficulty, but I offer it in case it was.
Kind good wishes
I cannot ( or will not:) ) get up at 6am ) will this be recorded or archived ?
Hi Jen – There is no “live” component to the course so you do not have to get up at any unreasonable hour! Each day for five days an email will be sent out to you and all other participants with inspiration and practices on hope to explore. It will likely arrive in your email Inbox around 6 a.m. each of those days but you can pay attention to it anytime you want. People post comments and interact throughout the practice but that is not time limited or specific. I hope you will join us!