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Wake Up Grateful – Kristi Neslon Introduction

What does it mean to truly live gratefully, every day? In Wake Up Grateful, Kristi Nelson, executive director of Grateful Living, unlocks the path to recognizing abundance in every moment, and gives readers the tools to bring this transformational shift in perspective into their daily lives. Nelson goes beyond the proverbial question of whether the glass is half full or half empty, and encourages readers to awaken to the gift of having a glass at all. With tailored questions for reflection, daily exercises, and perspective prompts for appreciating the fullness of life as it is right now, this book promises profound personal change through the practice of taking nothing for granted.
Wake Up Grateful — said to be “a love letter to life” — is available in Hardcover, eBook, and Audiobook from these retailers and wherever fine books are sold:
- Bookshop (Indie book purveyors)
- Amazon – Kindle and Hardcover versions now on sale!
- Barnes & Noble
Download this free book study guide to support deeper reflection on the core concepts of Grateful Living presented in Wake Up Grateful. Use this guide on your own, in a book group, in the classroom, or with a group of loved ones.
Read Wake Up Grateful reviews in Publisher’s Weekly and the indie book review, Foreword.

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