Hello Everyone!

I recently returned from a recording expedition which took me from New York to Texas and back. Click on the play button underneath the photo below to hear a recording made early on in my trip.

Arriving in Missouri on the evening of July 28, I spent the night sleeping in my tent in a beautiful hardwood forest along a ridge overlooking the “Big Muddy,” otherwise known as the Missouri River. Awakening at first light, I was completely surprised by the rich chorus of Wood Thrushes, sounding off from all directions. As usual, I had my soundscape microphone already in position, with a cable running to my recorder placed next to me in my tent. So all I had to do was turn my recorder on, hit “record”, and then doze off to the melodic chorus, quite unexpected for late July and truly a gift!

Dawn chorus featuring Wood Thrushes, in hardwood forest on a ridge overlooking the Missouri River. 6:30am, 29 July 2016. Near Columbia, Missouri. © Lang Elliott. Please play at a low volume to simulate a natural listening experience.

I hope you find this recording as melodic and pleasing as I do!

To enjoy more nature soundscapes please visit the Sound Sanctuary.

And as always, please feel free to share your reflections on this recording below.

Lang Elliott

Lang Elliott, a nature author, speaker, cinematographer, sound recordist, photographer, and poet. Learn more about Lang and browse his premium pure nature recordings at Music of Nature.

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