One day several years ago, when I opened the kitchen door to my garage, a small bird had apparently been trapped in the garage all night and seeing the opening, immediately flew into the house. My first reaction was to run through the house closing bedroom and bathroom doors to contain the bird before it could fly out of the main part of my home. Then, I reasoned that if I propped open my French doors and my front and back door, the bird would quickly find its way outside.
By the time I accomplished these tasks, the little bird was frantically flying from one end of the living and dining room area to the other. Without thinking, I began chasing the bird, trying to get it to fly through one of the open doors and find its freedom but it was so desperately disoriented that my efforts only heightened its fear.
I was becoming extremely frustrated. I had an appointment to keep and I did not want to leave the bird in my house. Compassion for the fear-filled creature was the farthest thing from my mind. After all, it might leave its droppings on my furniture or contaminate something.
I watched with disbelief as it attempted to raise its wings and could not.
Finally, while I was attempting to figure out what else I could do to coax it toward a door, its wings just failed and it collapsed on the floor—its tiny body hyperventilating so violently that I could almost hear its heartbeat racing out of control. I watched with disbelief as it attempted to raise its wings and could not. I knew if I attempted to pick it up, it might die on the spot but I realized I needed to get it outside where it could see the open sky. I wanted it to experience hope.

Photo by Matheus Queiroz
I went to the kitchen looking for a vessel that I could use to carry the bird outside. I spied a medium-size stainless steel bowl and I quickly rummaged through the lid drawer until I found a lid that fit. Then, I oh-so-gently scooped the bird up off the floor, telling it I was there to help. I covered the bowl with a lid. I set the bowl outside in the grass and removed the lid. The little bird just lay in the bowl breathing hard. I was sure it was dying.
My heart was heavy. I was experiencing remorse and feeling somewhat guilty. I wondered if I hadn’t tried so hard to direct the bird toward one of the open doors; if I had just sat down and created a welcoming environment, would the frightened creature have found its way to freedom before it collapsed.
It had survived my lack of sensitivity and left me with a powerful lesson about the importance of responding instead of reacting.
I went in the house; there was nothing more I could do. The bird would either fly or die. I got ready for my appointment and opened the garage door. I started the car and doubted I would have the courage to glance into the bowl on my way out of the driveway. I had the vision of a dead little bird lying there but I was wrong. I did look and thankfully, the bird was gone. It had survived my lack of sensitivity and left me with a powerful lesson about the importance of responding instead of reacting. It had taught me the need to practice compassion for the other no matter what the circumstances.
In the following days, the event became a meditation. I admitted to myself that I had turned a situation into a problem. I had failed to show compassion for the bird until it collapsed. I was reminded that compassion means “to be with.” I decided that compassion for that tiny creature might have made a big difference.
As I relived the scene, I remembered looking down at the bird as it lay writhing on my living room floor and thinking “That bird is scared to death,” and with hindsight, I now know I would have been, too. I realized that, if you locked me in a dark, cold place with no avenue of escape, as soon as I saw a possible way out and a huge creature started chasing me, I, too, would have experienced sheer panic.
To this day, I’m so grateful that the bird survived and I’m very thankful for the lesson in self- awareness I gained. No one will ever again be able to tell me that animals, plants, even majestic mountains and rivers do not feel. Mother Nature is the very air we all breathe and the life we share with not only other homo sapiens but all of creation.
How do I know? A little bird told me so.
We invite you to share a story about yourself or another person, reflecting on the question: “How has gratefulness shifted a moment, an experience, or a lifetime?”
I love this quote – “It had survived my lack of sensitivity and left me with a powerful lesson about the importance of responding instead of reacting.” If only as human beings, we could remember it more. We could avoid so many more problems in the world! Even so, I think your reaction/response was normal and all worked out.
Thanks, Carol
Dear Carol
wrt your “I was reminded that compassion means “to be with.” I decided that compassion for that tiny creature might have made a big difference.”
You are so right when you say “to be with” and as an Essene Christian ( and the importance of Easter arriving again soon ) I wish to share a point made by Joshua Emmanuel the Christ.
As a Human Beings we are Archangel by right. When we wish to communicate with each other and / or / nature and all it creatures….we have to consciously communicate on that Archangelic level. Then, as is the case with your little, ( now forever little friend ), bird, by first communicating with the Archangelic beings who supervise and maintain them we will establish the Archangelic to Archangelic “connection”.
And please make no mistake, you did do that, perhaps you just were not aware of i., That sets compassion flowing. That “flow” ( of etheric vitality we often call “love”) was then passed on to the little bird from its Archangelic supervisors, and, as is always the case, it just takes a little while for the bird’s physical body to replenish its etheric vitality safely, thereby calming it so it can make good judgement and off it goes.
And again you are now, through your act of compassion, well connected to the Archangels of that little bird, and indeed all birds. A connection to be enjoyed as you wish!
Thanks, Ed. You’ve given me another lesson in compassion!
Hi again Carol
I just want to touch back to you again and recommend a previous submission which, in essence, is very similar in importance to yours.
The piece I am referring to is Pierre Pardervand’s “The Art of Blessing”. ( approx. 8 articles back ) What, Blessing and Compassion have in common is that is is the focusing down to the very basis ( that which Pierre call “simplifying” ) potential consciousness power of one’s Human Being-ness.
We Essenes, and our Sufi brothers, call this “concentration”, ( but not the concentration taught in western school systems), it is ” focused Attention without tension”. It is this “focusing” of Human consciousness which brings ‘Archangel to Archangel’ communication together and there is no doubt about it, this communication is instantaneous and there is no limits to it power.
Be Well Be Present
Ed, I tried to find the article but had no luck. Could you send me a link? Carol
Hi Carol
I posted the link you requested, along with my transcript of “Simplicity” but the system responded with ” non-valid video link” ( And it would let me delete it either ) So I am trying it again BUT a slightly modified link address….. if it doesn’t connect up ..please search the “” site under …”resource”……and “simplicity-blessing”
Hope this works ……Please confirm
Transcript of ‘Simplicity’ by Pierre Pradervand >>>> DRAFT ONLY <<<<
Well, I think that the concern of simplicity in my life is one of my oldest concerns. And as a matter of fact I think in my whole adult life I have been concerned with the issue of simplicity because it has a lot to do with un-cluttering. Our lives are so cluttered up in the West, with activities with things, books, with encounters, with traveling here and there, a 1001 things. Everybody understands what I'm speaking about.And I think it is difficult to tread the spiritual path if you do not simplify your life down to a few essentials. You can not have 50,000 activities and pursue the spiritual path. At least I do not think it is possible. I wrote the first two books published in Europe, in French, on simple living 20 years ago when it wasn't a concern for anyone. But now it is beginning, beginning!, to become a concern for a certain number of people.And so with the un-cluttering of your life you have more space for blessing. But at the same time if you do a lot of blessings you will automatically want to unclutter your life because it will become so clear to you that all this clutter we have is such a detriment to our true spiritual growth. And I think there are privileged experiences which enable you to understand that, sooner or later, you must put first things first in your life. And I like to share here what is probably the most powerful spiritual experience of my whole life. no not probably, it is certainly the most powerful experience in my whole life and on which my whole spiritual outlook is based. [2;48]
I was in Africa, this was over 20 years ago, when I was attending the meeting, the General assembly of a peasant farmer organization of which I was one of the founding members. And the last day of our meetings which were held in a city called [ name unclear ] I caught dysentery. Now at the beginning it's not something serious but it is a bother because you have to run a great deal to the toilet. And I did my spiritual work, I didn't take any pills because at that time I handled all my health issues spiritually, and I thought that it had disappeared, at least it did dissipate towards the end of the afternoon. I went off with an old African friend. The next day when I went to the airport, it started all over again. And on the airplanes back to Paris I was traveling with my spiritual text, my readings, my prayers, my mantras and affirmations, all the things I usually did try to overcome any health issues. [4:10]And I was sitting next to an unaccompanied young boy, and the stewardess who is taking care of this little boy was so kind with him! She constantly came to check on him to see if he was okay and one woman she came and addressed him with a special tenderness. And suddenly I felt this most incredible gratitude for this woman, it was a Cosmic Gratitude that overwhelm me. And suddenly I was projected into a space outside the plane, outside of time, where the only thing present was Infinite Love. The only feeling I had was that of incredible Love. A love which is the cause, the effect, the source, the only power, the only presence. The only activity in the universe was his extraordinary, extraordinary, Love. [5:25]
But the most amazing thing in the whole experience was that Pierre Pradervand had totally disappeared. I had no consciousness whatsoever! There is no such thing as a citizen, with an ego or whatever. The only consciousness was, for certain while, I don't know how long because I was outside of time, only consciousness was the Divine consciousness. [5:57]
An American 19th century thinker and metaphysician, mary [ name ] … Once stated that “the divine understanding ray is all and there is no other consciousness”. Well that is exactly what I experienced at that moment on the plane. The Divine consciousness was my consciousness. And of course it is the most incredible feeling of freedom! The only time I have felt radical freedom in my life because my ego had simply and totally disappeared. [6:42] And suddenly, I was back on the plane, I felt something adjusting in my bowels and in matter of seconds I was freed of the dysentery. [6;52]
But the real healing wasn't the physical healing, the real healing was my vision of life, of the world, of the universe. And that has stayed as the foundation stone of my spiritual striving. I think we are all, ALL, called to the state I were our only thought will be Love. And of course I am still very much, very in the kindergarten of this practice. But I think it is, for me today, I see this is the Ultimate State which I need to aim for on the spiritual path. [7:44]
And so blessing is just one expression of this Universal Love. But at the same time, by practicing blessing, you learn to grow a great deal in love. Especially in non-judgment and I would like to stress that. It is impossible, the text on blessing said, it is impossible to love, to bless and to judge at the same time. It is impossible to bless and to Judge . Try it, is it possible. [8:27]
And the more you bless, the less you will judge. I think one of the most precious insights I have had in past years is that every single person, that includes president Asad of Syria and well known gangsters all sorts, everyone, at each moment, is at their highest level of consciousness. [9:03]
And when you have really understood this you cannot feel resentment, or anger, with anyone.Joel S. Goldsmith, that remarkable American mystic of the last century who created teaching called, "The Infinite Way". Joel says, “no one can come into my consciousness who needs be forgiven, because I have already forgiven them, 70×7”. And I feel that what I felt towards the gentleman who tricked me with the Internet, when I first started out our conversation, I realize to that was his highest level of consciousness. So I can resent him for being at his highest level of consciousness, if he could have been elsewhere he would have been. And to understand this [fact] is a wonderful, wonderful, tool for overcoming resentment in any form. [10:23]
So, that is my small wisdom on the topic.
Hi again Carol
here is the link to the Gratitude site’s “resources” copy of “Simplicity” which they have gratefully provided. Also, below it is my crude transcript ( “Draft Only” ) complete with time marks for convenience.
‘Simplicity’ by Pierre Pradervand >>>> DRAFT ONLY <<<<<
Well, I think that the concern of simplicity in my life is one of my oldest concerns. And as a matter of fact I think in my whole adult life I have been concerned with the issue of simplicity because it has a lot to do with un-cluttering. Our lives are so cluttered up in the West, with activities with things, books, with encounters, with traveling here and there, a 1001 things. Everybody understands what I'm speaking about.And I think it is difficult to tread the spiritual path if you do not simplify your life down to a few essentials. You can not have 50,000 activities and pursue the spiritual path. At least I do not think it is possible. I wrote the first two books published in Europe, in French, on simple living 20 years ago when it wasn't a concern for anyone. But now it is beginning, beginning!, to become a concern for a certain number of people.And so with the un-cluttering of your life you have more space for blessing. But at the same time if you do a lot of blessings you will automatically want to unclutter your life because it will become so clear to you that all this clutter we have is such a detriment to our true spiritual growth. And I think there are privileged experiences which enable you to understand that, sooner or later, you must put first things first in your life. And I like to share here what is probably the most powerful spiritual experience of my whole life. no not probably, it is certainly the most powerful experience in my whole life and on which my whole spiritual outlook is based. [2;48]
I was in Africa, this was over 20 years ago, when I was attending the meeting, the General assembly of a peasant farmer organization of which I was one of the founding members. And the last day of our meetings which were held in a city called [ name unclear ] I caught dysentery. Now at the beginning it's not something serious but it is a bother because you have to run a great deal to the toilet. And I did my spiritual work, I didn't take any pills because at that time I handled all my health issues spiritually, and I thought that it had disappeared, at least it did dissipate towards the end of the afternoon. I went off with an old African friend. The next day when I went to the airport, it started all over again. And on the airplanes back to Paris I was traveling with my spiritual text, my readings, my prayers, my mantras and affirmations, all the things I usually did try to overcome any health issues. [4:10]And I was sitting next to an unaccompanied young boy, and the stewardess who is taking care of this little boy was so kind with him! She constantly came to check on him to see if he was okay and one woman she came and addressed him with a special tenderness. And suddenly I felt this most incredible gratitude for this woman, it was a Cosmic Gratitude that overwhelm me. And suddenly I was projected into a space outside the plane, outside of time, where the only thing present was Infinite Love. The only feeling I had was that of incredible Love. A love which is the cause, the effect, the source, the only power, the only presence. The only activity in the universe was his extraordinary, extraordinary, Love. [5:25]
But the most amazing thing in the whole experience was that Pierre Pradervand had totally disappeared. I had no consciousness whatsoever! There is no such thing as a citizen, with an ego or whatever. The only consciousness was, for certain while, I don't know how long because I was outside of time, only consciousness was the Divine consciousness. [5:57]
An American 19th century thinker and metaphysician, mary [ name ] … Once stated that “the divine understanding ray is all and there is no other consciousness”. Well that is exactly what I experienced at that moment on the plane. The Divine consciousness was my consciousness. And of course it is the most incredible feeling of freedom! The only time I have felt radical freedom in my life because my ego had simply and totally disappeared. [6:42] And suddenly, I was back on the plane, I felt something adjusting in my bowels and in matter of seconds I was freed of the dysentery. [6;52]
But the real healing wasn't the physical healing, the real healing was my vision of life, of the world, of the universe. And that has stayed as the foundation stone of my spiritual striving. I think we are all, ALL, called to the state I were our only thought will be Love. And of course I am still very much, very in the kindergarten of this practice. But I think it is, for me today, I see this is the Ultimate State which I need to aim for on the spiritual path. [7:44]
And so blessing is just one expression of this Universal Love. But at the same time, by practicing blessing, you learn to grow a great deal in love. Especially in non-judgment and I would like to stress that. It is impossible, the text on blessing said, it is impossible to love, to bless and to judge at the same time. It is impossible to bless and to Judge . Try it, is it possible. [8:27]
And the more you bless, the less you will judge. I think one of the most precious insights I have had in past years is that every single person, that includes president Asad of Syria and well known gangsters all sorts, everyone, at each moment, is at their highest level of consciousness. [9:03]
And when you have really understood this you cannot feel resentment, or anger, with anyone.Joel S. Goldsmith, that remarkable American mystic of the last century who created teaching called, "The Infinite Way". Joel says, “no one can come into my consciousness who needs be forgiven, because I have already forgiven them, 70×7”. And I feel that what I felt towards the gentleman who tricked me with the Internet, when I first started out our conversation, I realize to that was his highest level of consciousness. So I can resent him for being at his highest level of consciousness, if he could have been elsewhere he would have been. And to understand this [fact] is a wonderful, wonderful, tool for overcoming resentment in any form. [10:23]
So, that is my small wisdom on the topic.
Thank you for this Ed Schulte.
Thanks, Carol. Your story is very sweet. I had a similar experience once, only it was the middle of the night and somehow the sparrow had found it’s way into our 1/2 bath. (Think closet.) I had gotten up to go the bathroom when I heard and felt these small wings beating around me. The only light was moonlight through the window. Somehow, I had the presence to use a towel (what was available in the moment?) and cover the little creature. I walked him/her out into the moonlight and released him into the cool air of my back yard. The whole experience felt like a mysterious blessing, somehow. Had I encountered the little bird in my living room before going to work, I’m sure my reaction would have been more like yours. I think setting and timing sometimes make all the difference in how we react. Your ability to use your experience as a lesson in tenderness and compassion is very inspiring. Peace.
I love your use of the expression, “mysterious blessing.” Thanks for sharing your encounter with the Sparrow. Blessings, Carol
Dear Carol, what a beautiful story, it brought me near to tears! Thank-you for your sharing! It contains a powerful lesson and reminder! All life is sacred. This seems such a small thing, but I used to kill a fruit fly as soon as I saw one and in the past few months I can’t do it.
Peace and blessings to you.?
Sheila, Even a fruit fly is made out of stardust, just like us. I love the feeling of knowing that. I have a friend that asks the weeds for forgiveness when weeding her garden. After all, who decided they were weeds! Carol
❤️I am always so touched by these kind of stories because I love animals so much. It reminds me of a time when my cat brought in a little mouse held in her jaw into the house – her contribution to the household. The mouse got loose. And, this poor little mouse had me and my cat chasing it. Finally, I was able to capture it and set it free in an open field near my house. To this day I carry a pain in my heart for every bug or spider that I so thoughtlessly killed in the past something I will no longer do – I will capture them and set them free ❤️ Thank you for sharing your story. It touched my heart.
Thanks for your reflection. It warms my heart. Carol