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+ Dear Friends,
This picture contains my most urgent good wish for 2016.
My revered friends Shams Anwari Hortense Reintjens-Anwari
sent me this remarkable link between two traditions: Islam and Christianity.
An Arab book-illustrator painted this picture in the 12th century.
That was the bloodstained century of the first three crusades.
And yet, Jesus and Mohammed are shown traveling toward the same goal.
That we may clearly name this goal: A world at peace;
that we may soberly recognize this as our only chance for survival;
that we may work for it fervently, nonviolently, bravely, and creatively,
and ask daily: How have I personally brought us closer toward that goal?
That is my New Year’s wish for all of us as we enter 2016.
Deeply concerned, but full of hope,
Your brother David
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