a red tulip and pink tulip in full bloom amidst rain illuminated by the sun

Brittany Courchesne
Stories of Grateful Living

Embrace Your Puddles

by Brittany Courchesne
Out of breath, and buzzing with joy and excitement, we stood there feeling at one…

What Nobody Told You About Happiness

by Saisha Srivastava
Saisha Srivastava has danced since she was a little girl. In a talk that is…
Nora Jaccaud
Stories of Grateful Living

Everyone is a Story

by Nora Jaccaud
Everyone is a Story. You are a story. It might sound cliché, but it is…
News & Announcements

Anatomy of Gratitude

by Krista Tippett, On Being
A year has passed since Krista Tippett traveled to Austria to have a conversation with Br. David…

Wheelz in the Air: Hitting the Skatepark on a Wheelchair

by Great Big Story
A bold and inspiring example of grateful living! For the past 16 years, Aaron "Wheelz"…

Rich or Poor?

by Nitin Das
(July, 2016) What makes you rich or poor? A short film (1:00) from the beautiful…
Stories of Grateful Living

Being Human

by Guri Mehta
Someone broke into our car. They broke a rear window and a small part of…
old guitar
Stories of Grateful Living

Smashed for Good

by LJ Bottjer
LJ Bottjer finds that a smashed and rebuilt guitar is a good metaphor for her…

“This Too Is Sacred” — Finding the Crack That Opens the Way for Gratitude

by Jesua
Remembering our connection with the sacred provides a clear pathway for gratitude to flow freely,…
Stories of Grateful Living

Alzheimer’s Taught Me to be Grateful

by Ann Napoletan
Ann Napoletan learned how to connect with her mother in her mother's changed world...and in…

The Present

by Jacob Frey
A delightful, award-winning, animated short film that speaks to the power of a special "present"…

Prince Ea – Dear Future Generations: Sorry

by Prince Ea
(April, 2015) An apology letter to future generations. "I think I speak for the rest…
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