As a core methodology for living a grateful life, the foundational practice of Stop. Look.…

Discover Play as a Way of Being
This practice invites you to take stock of the qualities that come alive when you…

Approaching Daily Tasks with Leisure
A daily practice of giving time to what requires time and deepening your relationship to…

Life is a Gift: Guided Meditation
Grateful Living is fundamentally grounded in the invitation to see life itself as a gift.…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Presence
Our community reflects on the question "What helps me remember to be present in the…

Mantragold – “Gratitude”
We invite you to take a moment to enjoy the sounds and sights of this…

The Beauty of Living
In this short film, Annie Norgarb exemplifies waking up grateful through her reverence for ordinary…

Stories of Grateful Living
Three Small Things I’m Grateful For
We don't need extraordinary things to happen to be grateful. Being alive is marvelous and…

Poetry Collection: Savoring Slowing Down
The poets in this collection inspire us to treasure the breath, celebrate nature's abundance, and…