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November 17

How am I currently being faithful to my values? Are there shifts I would like to make for greater alignment?

1 Reflection
November 16

What is inspiring me right now?

30 Reflections
November 15

How has showing vulnerability shifted a difficult situation?

29 Reflections
November 14

Where is beauty in my immediate surroundings, right now?

39 Reflections
November 13

What changes when I shift from problem-solving mode to approaching a situation with true curiosity?

25 Reflections
November 12

How have I been surprised by the way in which my life has unfolded?

25 Reflections
November 11

What might I do to help someone smile today?

33 Reflections
November 10

What are the opportunities in a recent, challenging life experience?

49 Reflections
November 9

When have I become more by letting go?

23 Reflections
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