Grateful Changemakers

A Year of Grateful Changemakers

by The Grateful Living Team
This June, we celebrate the inaugural year of our Grateful Changemakers series. Over the past…

Befriending Ourselves: An Invitation to Love

by Kristi Nelson
"You are the one you have been waiting for." Byron Katie Everything flourishes in the…
Br. David Steindl-Rast tree

Br. David Steindl-Rast on Purpose and Meaning

by Lisa Bennett
In a predominant focus on purpose, however, we often miss the meaning of life —…

On Pessimism and Optimism from “The Shadow”

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
The more we suppress the darkness within us, the more it leads a life of…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: Operation Gratitude

by The Grateful Living Team
We are invited to remember that everyone deserves to be seen and cared for, creating…

Deepening Our Comfort with Uncertainty

by Kristi Nelson
For everyone alive now, and for everyone who has ever lived, we are united in…

The Gift of Humility

by Colette Lafia
The cherry blossoms have arrived, and it feels like nature has handed us a beautiful…
Stories of Grateful Living

Little Heart

by Ron Smith
My heart seems not to know of its deficits, or it at least pretends not…

What You Think About Your Emotions Matters

by Greater Good Science Center
Our underlying beliefs about emotions—whether or not we’re aware of them—can affect our happiness in…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: Solar Sister

by The Grateful Living Team
At Solar Sister we choose to work at a challenging intersection of women’s empowerment and…
Stories of Grateful Living

Columbine: A Survivor’s Story of Powerful Self-Love

by Nada Alami
What I know with certainty is that I can help others, who have also suffered…
Stories of Grateful Living

Perspective: Sara’s 50th (and Gratitude in Five Languages)

by Mary Lou Sanelli
I can hardly describe to you the sheer pleasure of shared laughter. It revitalizes me…
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