Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: The Dinner Party

by Lennon Flowers
"Talk of self-care is everywhere. But that’s just because we live in a culture that…
Stories of Grateful Living

A “Modern Elder” Muses on Gratitude in Silicon Valley

by Chip Conley
I said yes, but realized quite quickly that being an elder today - especially in…

Gratefulness as the Foundation of Practice

by Rabbi Shefa Gold
By waking up in gratefulness, we set the tone for the day; we step in…
Stories of Grateful Living

For Some, Daring to Vote is an Act of Bravery

by Toni Palombi
Gazing through the lens of gratitude, I began to appreciate the scene around me... I…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: Musicians for World Harmony

by The Grateful Living Team
Music is a great force for healing – something we all need in our lives...We…
Stories of Grateful Living

Farewell Badger

by Tesa Silvestre
Most everyone who knew her well had already come to say farewell during the previous…
Community Reflections

The Impact of Gratefulness: In Your Words

by The Grateful Living Team
Ninety-nine percent of you affirm that learning about and practicing grateful living has positively impacted…
Stories of Grateful Living

There Is So Much More

by Namarah
There is a joy in relinquishing pride. It inspires discovery in every form.
book: i am through you so i

i am through you so i: The Life of Br. David Steindl-Rast

by Dana Green
As a universal phenomenon, accessible to young and old, gratefulness connects each person to all…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: Envision Kindness

by The Grateful Living Team
Mainstream media exposure can cause anxiety, stress, and depression fairly quickly.  It seemed to me…

Grateful for Nothing

by Gregg Krech
When things are going well, it’s easy to take for granted all of the unfortunate…

Rain Lessons. Welcoming the Pause for Love

by Terri Crosby
Water falling from the sky is the perfect antidote for busy. The rain softens me.…
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