Stories of Grateful Living

Friendship Blooms

by Renée Schultz
Who can explain how the heart opens and love blooms? What’s the magic that connects…

In the Nourishment of Appreciation

by Kristi Nelson
Everything flourishes in the nourishment of our appreciation: plants, people, the Earth, moments. When we…
Fabiana Fondevila
Stories of Grateful Living

Dare to Be Astonished

by Fabiana Fondevila
A pigeon builds its nest on the highest branch of the willow tree outside my…

Three Ways to Cultivate Gratitude at School

by Greater Good Science Center
When fear and divisiveness cast a shadow over our schools, gratitude may help us see…

How Gratitude Helps Your Friendships Grow

by Greater Good Science Center
Research suggests that gratitude plays a quiet, key role in building a relationship.

Three Surprising Ways That Gratitude Works at Work

by Greater Good Science Center
Robert Emmons explains how gratitude can not only make us happier but also improve our…
Stories of Grateful Living

King of Kings

by Nicos Hadjicostis
I was awestruck, dumbfounded, mesmerized by the monumental magnificence of this phenomenon. I realized that…
Stories of Grateful Living

The Moment I Knew Gratitude is the Answer to Every Question

by Kristin Meekhof
We can't change the past losses, but we can change the way in which we relate to…
News & Announcements

Who We Are: Gratefulness Inside-Out

by Kristi Nelson
There are times in life when stopping to turn ourselves inside out is illuminating and…
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratefully Regaining Resilience

by Margaret Wakeley
I have always been a resilient person. I’ve had my fair share of tragedies and…
Stories of Grateful Living

A Little Bird Told Me So

by Carol Ann Conner
One day several years ago, when I opened the kitchen door to my garage, a…
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude’s Flip Side

by Laura Grace Weldon
People in positions of authority need to know when their judgments or actions are harmful.…
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