Stories of Grateful Living

Letting Myself Go

by Julie Quiring
I relish a defiant celebration of what is meant by the pejorative, she’s really let…
smiling woman Toni Powell
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude – A Cure for Depression?

by Toni Powell
This Is No Fun Depression is no fun… none at all, I hated it. Obsession…
red leaf heart

Heroic Hearts: Love in the Face of Anguish

by Kristi Nelson
To love in the face of fear is bold. To love in the face of…
Br. David monk

Everyday Mysticism: A Report

by Kate Olson
A detailed account of a conversation about "Everyday Mysticism" that took place in San Francisco…
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratefulness Found Me

by Priyamvada
My Baby Goose is fast asleep with her head cradled in her arm, breathing in…
Tree grief fall
Stories of Grateful Living

Swan Songs

by Robin Botie
If I sing and dance and do everything like it’s my swan song, when it’s…
classroom of happy children

How Can We Practice Gratitude in Education?

by Dr. Kerry Howells
A practice deepens our gratitude because it moves us from the sense of being grateful…
Stories of Grateful Living

When David Whyte Came to Visit

by Kay Smith
In spite of this clever, bamboozling cover, I quickly saw through it and began to…
Stories of Grateful Living

Slowing Down…Appreciating More

by Arthur Shirk
Slow down by half, and half again...Enjoy it twice as much. I walk Mario the…
woman Courtney Sunday
Stories of Grateful Living

The Gratitude I Bring Home From My Travels

by Courtney Sunday
Travel, for me, is a way into the soul of gratitude. I am at that…
man Mike Medaglia
Stories of Grateful Living

One Year Wiser

by Mike Medaglia
Through the practice of gratitude we can create a powerful antidote to carry with us…
Stories of Grateful Living

The Stupid Simple Way of Manufacturing Gratitude

by Derrick DuPlessy
I was going through a particularly down period. I was doubting myself and feeling like…
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