Articles Compassion: The Second Abode by Roshi Joan Halifax Compassion is not an idealized state. It is a profound realization that we are not…
Articles Lovingkindness: The First Abode by Roshi Joan Halifax Every time we narrow the vision of what we really are, we become afraid and…
Articles Boundless Qualities of the Mind by Roshi Joan Halifax The Four Boundless Abodes are lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. These are qualities of…
Articles Bonnie’s Bridge by Paul Bennett I could stand on the bridge and get the sense of being completely with her,…
Articles How to Practice Gratitude by Sonja Lyubomirsky There are multiple ways to practice the strategy of gratitude and it would be wise…
Articles Just Crabapples by Roger Voight The thick carpet of leaves, covering the grass and patio, beckon me. I am grateful…
Articles The 100th Blessing by The Grateful Living Community A collection of blessings submitted by our Gratefulness community.
Articles Paths of Obedience: Fairy Tales and the Monk’s Way by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB Have you ever felt that you were being tried beyond what is humanly possible to…
Articles Crossing the Unknown Sea (excerpt) by David Whyte You have ripened already, and you are waiting to be brought in. Your exhaustion is…
Articles Authentic Appreciation by Terry Pearce Gratitude goes beyond "thank you" with specific, heartfelt experiences.
Articles A Relationship of Compassion: Living Gratefully in the Body by Mariah Fenton Gladis If you have ever wondered what it means to live gratefully in the midst of…
Articles Praying the Great Dance by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB Brother David describes ways to be "anchored in lasting joy" through prayer.