Stories of Grateful Living Iyore (I Return) by Imuetinyan Ugiagbe Here in our Stories of Grateful Living, we honor the voices of our community as…
Articles Gate 4-A by Naomi Shihab Nye In this remarkable account, what begins with frantic tears and a language barrier becomes an…
Articles The Wholehearted Journey of Our Lives by Kristi Nelson Grateful living directs us toward what matters, what is meaningful, and what will make a…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: Savoring the Day by The Grateful Living Community "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from…
Articles Waking Up to What Is: Grateful in the Face of It All by Kristi Nelson The ability to wake up to another new day — one with which we will…
Articles Caring for Self and Others in Times of Trouble: Some Spiritual Tools and Tips by Alexander Levering Kern, MDiv. As we navigate these perilous waters of our common life – with all the grace…
Articles When Savoring a Pleasant Moment Is a Radical Act by Ari Honarvar In this beautiful essay, Ari Honarvar suggests, “Perhaps the most radical act of resistance in…
Articles Courage by David Whyte To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or do anything except to make…
Articles Love: Life’s Greatest Gift by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Love by its very nature includes everything. It does not just belong to a human…
Articles On Telling the Stories We Have Inside: The Power of Language and Gratitude by Katie Steedly Curling "We are storytelling creatures, and as children we acquire language to tell those stories that…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: Trusting Life by The Grateful Living Community Deep trust in life is not a feeling but a stance that you deliberately take.…
Articles Turning New Year’s Resolutions into Revelations by Kristi Nelson How about bringing a more gentle form of motivation, rooted in appreciation, celebration, and acceptance,…