Articles Look: Cultivate Perspective by Kristi Nelson Learning to cultivate a more grateful perspective can make all the difference in how we…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: The Simplest Things That Bring Joy by The Grateful Living Community Our community reflects on the question, "What are the simplest things that bring you joy?"
Stories of Grateful Living Benefits of Practicing Radical Gratitude by J. Richelle Joe How I found healing through journaling and reminiscing about photographs.... I decided to find a…
Articles Gratitude via Mental Subtraction by Laura Grace Weldon This is my favorite season. Gorgeous autumn leaves, vivid blue skies, and light as nuanced…
Stories of Grateful Living Moving Past Resentment to Grateful Living by Dr. Kerry Howells "The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated." ~ William James…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: Honoring Tenderness by The Grateful Living Community Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: When Generosity Surprises by The Grateful Living Community "We cannot waste our time believing we can achieve an ideal self or community. All…
Articles Keeping the Faith by Lama Kathy Wesley Remembering Gratitude Can Help Us Extend Love to Others, Transform World
Stories of Grateful Living Living Gratefully Through Sharing a Kidney by Jan Passion To radically transform someone else's life at -- in the grand scheme of things --…
Articles Learning and Teaching from the Heart in Troubled Times by Rabbi Dr. Ariel Burger In this essay, Rabbi Dr. Ariel Burger calls on us to balance moral ferocity with…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: Seeing Through the Eyes of Others by The Grateful Living Community Some of you may have noticed (or are regularly visiting) our Practice Space where we offer a…
Community Reflections Community Reflections: Honoring Nature’s Gifts by The Grateful Living Community "Gratitude is most powerful as a response to the Earth because it provides an opening…