Woman sitting on a bed with coffee and book of poetry


Poetry, with its impossible-seeming combination of soft lens and precision, brings to our awareness that which might otherwise go unnoticed and unappreciated. May these poems open our hearts to the nuance and opportunity of each moment.

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Light reflected on tiny leaves.

From Which It All Began

by Bernadette Miller
Tell me, what would you do today if you knew your life to be a…

The Miracle

by Michael Goldman
It is not that the sun comes up or the earth goes around or that…
dew drops sparkling on blades of grass in the morning sun

Instructions for the Journey

by Pat Schneider
The self you leave behind is only a skin you have outgrown. Don’t grieve for…


by Marjorie Maddox
Who wouldn’t choose the just-washed white of this Aspire scripted with eighteen small miles on…

Rethinking Regret

by Elaine Sexton
Let’s thank our mistakes, let’s bless them for their humanity, their terribly weak chins. We…


by Nadine Pinede
—for Papa Sitting on the deck by the river hushed and soft with the light…


by Barbara Crooker
This week, the news of the world is bleak, another war grinding on, and all…

Why Are You Standing There, Looking at the Sky (Acts 1:11)

by Edda Hackl
Someone says “Good-bye” and disappears behind doors or fades into the distance in a train…

Following Treatment, I Wonder

by Terry Martin
This might be the best I’ll ever feel, these aches, these pains, this deep fatigue—…

To See It

by Laura Foley
We need to separate to see the life we’ve made, to leave our house where…

what bears repeating

by Maya Stein
"Bless you" to the spouse in the middle of another sneezing fit prompted by an…

Scratch, Sniff

by Katie Rubinstein
It was weeks ago now that first month of September we spent here on this…
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