


The Things We Will Never Have

by Zoketsu Norman Fischer
Q: After a lifetime of losing or having taken from me all that I consider…

Caring for Too Many

by Patricia Campbell Carlson
What do you do when you cannot keep up with the hundreds of people in…

Buddhism and the Self

by Zoketsu Norman Fischer
Q: Thank you for this wonderful website! Do you know what the Buddhists think about…

Being With the Bereaved

by Patricia Campbell Carlson
Q: Very recently, our next-door neighbors’ 17-year-old son was killed in a car accident. I…

A Contemplative Calling in Family Life

by Patricia Campbell Carlson
Q: I am struggling between my family responsibilities as a married man and the desire to…
monk walking rose petals

A Calling, Or A Daydream?

by Zoketzu Norman Fischer
Q: When I went to a monastic retreat a few months ago my “lost spirituality”…

A Narrow Escape

by The Grateful Living Team
Q: I escaped a recent accident with minor injuries. A narrow escape. While I am…
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