

by Katie Teague
"A vast inheritance awaits you in the wise counsel of your relatedness."

“Good” and “Bad” are Incomplete Stories We Tell Ourselves

by Heather Lanier
Heather Lanier's daughter Fiona has Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, a genetic condition that results in developmental delays…

How to Talk with Kids about Gratitude

by Greater Good Science Center
(July, 2019) A delightful, short video illustrating how parents can have conversations with kids to…

Purls of Wisdom

by Reflections of Life
For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: Happiness is found in helping…

Toxic Myths of Scarcity: Counteracting Cultural Conditioning

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
The following video and questions for reflection along with additional resources are from the eCourse,…

In Your Words: The Gifts of Grateful Living

by The Grateful Living Team
Each and every day we receive the gift of heartfelt words, stories, testimonials, and encouragement…

Prayer and Gratitude

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
In a conversation at the Greater Good Gratitude Summit, the renowned authors and spiritual teachers,…

The Four Constituents of Well-Being

by Greater Good Science Center
(November, 2015) Richard Davidson, founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of…

Feeling Grateful for the Small Things

by The School of Life
(July, 2018) We sometimes imagine, especially when we're young, that happiness is made up of…

An Indigenous View on Oneness

by Uplift
(February, 2018) Powerful words from Indigenous Elder, Miliwanga Wurrben, on the only true way to…

Gratefulness in the Now: Desire Change

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
The following videos and their transcripts are from a playful conversation between old friends Roshi…

The Power of Gratitude

by Robert Emmons
Robert Emmons explains how gratitude has the ability to heal, energize, and change our lives.
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