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May this day be a constant canticle of gratitude from now on till I retire tonight.
May I welcome any negative event with gratitude for the growth
it will produce in my life.
May I face every single encounter with gratitude for the manifestation
of divine love it represents.
May I react to any disgruntled, depressed, angry or sad face with gratitude
that my blessings can uplift and help dissolve them.
May I eat my meals with gratitude for all those who have participated
in bringing them on to my table.
However tedious, unimportant or boring my work may appear, may I perform it with the understanding that the very act of giving thanks can profoundly transform it.
And above all, may I understand that the choice between complaint, indifference, and gratitude is mine at every…moment of my life.
Pierre Pradervand, from a forthcoming Book of 365 Blessings.
Photo by Hans Braxmeier
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