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Haiku is essentially a recognition of the miracle of existence and our gift is to report in words anything that can help another person feel this too.
~ Tom Clausen
According to poet Tom Clausen: “Haiku contain as subjects nearly everything! Nothing is too big or small to be included.” The entirety of existence is available for our focused attention, our delight, and celebration.
In a lengthy list titled “Why Haiku?” Tom includes the following: “to show the ‘aha’ moment and suggest the wonder of existence; to exercise a spiritual communion with our place in this world; to have an epiphany; to give a voice to nature and discovery; to celebrate our connection to nature and all that is non-human; to praise the life in the inanimate…” and much, much more. We see that haiku can indeed be a grand celebration — a profound honoring of the great fullness of life and the gift of helping others to feel that too.
Haiku and calligraphy by Br. David Steindl-Rast
In a brief description of haiku, Br. David Steindl-Rast writes, “The best among them capture a moment of intense awareness; they awake your senses. No comment by the poet; simply one given moment which is fully – and thus gratefully – perceived.” And of peak experiences, out of which haiku are often born, Br. David says, “Not only is our intellect aroused by its truth, and our will by its goodness, but our emotions respond to its beauty. And what do the emotions say? ‘Let’s celebrate!’”
The Practice
Today we invite you to welcome a celebratory spirit into your day and allow it to influence how you see the world and how you will craft your haiku. Remember, nothing is too big or too small to be included and fully — thus gratefully — perceived. Experiment with writing a haiku that expresses your experience of expansiveness, appreciation, and celebration. Feel free to share any reflections and/or your poem in the reflection area below.
Enjoy the full eight-day Exploring Haiku practice.
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Amid the rushes
A blue heron barely seen,
Breathlessly takes flight
Planting seeds in soil
Tiny shoots unfurl and grow
Life appears to us each day
spring downpours lessen
drizzle falls on green mountains
sun glows in high mist
Oh! a spinning world!
Joys of ceiling fan wonder
Through baby’s bright eyes
Tracking a 7 month’s eyes leads to constant appreciation and celebration. Awe-struck by Jackson Scott!
looking up above
slow moving along away
expanding snow clouds depart
Lilacs in bloom today
The color bursts inside me
Go forth in the world
I AM sounds listen
to ring the bell prevailed
awakend silence
Shelves bursting with nature’s gifts
Alchemy at work
May my life force be
as strong as those crocuses
slicing through the snow.
When the snow gives off
a million points of light I thank
the ones who gave me life.
Birds on morning walk
sing their celebration loud
dogs in single file
A QUEST for Balance
Not found thru a rock Cairn
Gratefulness is Key
Opens locked doors to
a life of
Skies the Limit!
tiny little wren
greeting each new day with song
way more voice than size
So true!
There’s no school today,
A young woman took her life.
Glad her mission failed.
flashes of gold, flashes of red
one cherry blossom floats
sunshine warms my back–at pond’s edge
he sings a plaintive song
one note long–this toad
seeking love in my pond
Black, black as night
Soft, soft as silk
A lap full of poodle–gently snoring
Climb up on ladder
Vegetables on rooftop
Surprising delight
First time on horseback
To a delightful prairie
On a mountain plain
Almost like paradise land
Blue sky,green field and a lake
Late for work!
Playing hooky to write haiku
Capturing each moment, by moment.
white moon haze
in tree silhouettes
deer dance
peepers return
Earth alive
His violin lilts,
mingling as kids dart and dash
through dappled spring trees.
three in the morning
and smoke detector chirping –
strangest bird ever
Garden beds exposed
Driftwood pieces on brown soil
Search for them next month
Day ten with new hip
Science, nature: miracle
Metal gift from earth.
ember and kindling
inner fire longs for the flame
logs of will and breath
Four feet in the air.
Soft, white belly exposed.
The miracle of trust.
hints of green and rose
spring slowly announces her presence
and we are blessed
So many colors!
Yellows, reds, purples and blues –
Beautiful flowers!
Sunlight streaming through
Angel window ornament,
Bedazzle my day.
Pain and suffering?
My Holy Week pondering
is birthing new life.
love the funny dentist haiku by Brother David
Bike fall face flat down
blood spreading fear meets soft soles
circled communion
Black illuminates
falling stars, rising beams and
moon following us
Every moment
Gifts and treasures are right here
Simple and ornate
At the street corner
Waiting for the light to turn
Ten blessings to cheer
Soft eyes and warm heart
Experience joy today
Even in the rain
Pulse rate of 102,
in crowded doctor’s office
waiting to be seen.
Marble bench awaits me
resting while I enjoy lunch
anxious thoughts are gone.
Magnificent pink
Magnolia tree with blossoms
Pond turtles stretched out to look.
Counting syllables/
To express the wonder I see/
Happy Haiku Day!
Crazy busy day –
walk the dog in the woods –
Apparently today is Haiku Poetry Day – or so I saw. Who knew there was such a thing.
bright red cardinal
against chartreuse green leaves
mouth open wide singing
Beach walk at sunrise
Dolphins in the distance
Playful for this day
morning measured by the clock
aspen tree grows
measured by the light
Activist gala
Celebrating our story
World alive in joy
our smallness abides
beside ocean and sky
ever lasting, ever far
on my msword, “smallness” is in a smaller font and the “ever”s in italics
In bed until nine
Sleeping until I wake up
Thank you soft pillow
grape vines reach out
to the world
to me
Blue sky makes light of
clouds telling stories of last
night’s dreams. Praise morning!
Morning sullen joys
Pounds of hearts
Glimmering hopes
Tear breakers for grins
Damp weather airs
Tinged orange
Laughter from votes
Ringing joys elected
kisses on my lips
tastes like coffee mixed with love
ready for today
Long bus journey,
shouting back yellow!
to the sun
A celebration of the haiku and of my two cuties, granddaughters, both graduating from high school soon but cute every year.
.Hai, cuties: 4, 5
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
We can count on you..
Fingertips gentle on
Skin or fur or petal or…
Merge, two-into-one
A soft breeze, sun on upturned face,
morning wonder.
First the nightbird sang
Then sunlight answered back
Daffodils blooming!
Summer moves closer
House Martins fly into Chartwell,
Seeking lodgings in the eves
Standing on the edge
The canyon spreads out below
We are tiny specks
Fog slides s l o w l y, then
draws up to uncover pond, field:
this day’s stage revealed.
All I have to do
is look out the window
to witness Act I.
Pond gurgles outside my window
Weed-wacker wacks the edge of the long green grass
sunlight shines on the fresh red maple leaves
dawn has arrived
work calls
Floating in the jacuzzi-
beneath spring sunshine,
blue sky and singing birds
A mourning dove coos and
creates its own perfect echo.
Once is not enough.
just heard my first mourning dove of the season this morning…
just after midnight
mockingbird variations
spring’s exuberance
Chandelier crystals
Capture morning sunrays
Rainbows come to life
A crocus carpet
The tulips can’t wait to bloom
Life is erupting!
puddle jumping child
full of joy and wonderment
mud messages splashed
winter approaching
beautiful bright moon above
hands around hot tea
Wedding on the Cape
Five Easter’s past, die was cast
Rubied love shines on