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There are days when being “awake” to the truth of the conditions of the world is more than our hearts may feel able to bear, but these are the moments when taking stock of the opportunities at hand can help. Grateful Living asks us to stop to experience our heart’s truth, to look in order to notice all that warrants our care and appreciation, and to go — taking action that expresses our deepest commitments to a peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world, held as sacred by all, for all.
May this curated collection of poetry, practices, audio meditations, essays, and more awaken your heart and inspire loving action.
Silent Peace Meditation with Br. David
Poems for Soft Hearts in Hard Times
A Mighty Purpose
The Great Bell Chant: A Prayer for the End of Suffering
Bright Word Mandala Practice
Resources on Unlearning and Transforming Racism
Five Small Gestures of Gratitude to Counteract Fear and Violence
Standing our Sacred, Grateful Ground
Feature photo by Vonecia Carswell
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