Photo: Manfred Richter/Pixabay
Though we’re often cautioned to “not get lost in the details,” they can enrich our lives and lead us on grand adventures without needing to travel anywhere. Consider the wonders contained within just one square yard, foot, or inch in the space before you. Or in any day, hour, or single moment of time. Consider that this is true no matter where we are, or the conditions of our lives…
Throughout your day, gently seek out the details embedded in your immediate world, noticing the richness they bring to even the most seemingly mundane things. Sense how your heightened awareness of details deepens your experience of the space you find yourself in; the work you find yourself doing; a conversation you’re having with someone; or something you find yourself observing up close. When you find yourself noticing the details that grace your life, say “Wow, thank you.” Notice how this practice makes you feel in your body, observing any sensations or emotions that arise.
How does appreciating the details impact you?
What can you learn from and savor about the details that permeate your life?
Should you be inspired, please leave a reflection below…
This practice is inspired by Mary Jean Irion’s sublime meditation A Normal Day. Explore the full seven-day A Normal Day practice.
The photo of a flower thriving in the crack of a rock is something I have always remarked about. Sometimes it is as large as a ponderosa pine. My remark has always been that a human could place any amount of seed in the crack of a rock but only by the happenstance of nature will it sprout, survive and thrive. Truly a wonder to behold.
Slowing down on my evening walk through parkland. The sights, sounds, smells, marshes, birds, light and shadows, breezes, and my body in the midst of it all as ONE! My heart overwhelmed in awe! Blissed and blessed!
My living room: the sleet battering against at the window outside, but inside all is quiet save for the ticking of the clock on my mantelpiece. I’m fascinated by the colours and movement of a new lava lamp my husband has bought. I’m amazed at the freshness, textures and colours of the vase of flowers given to me today by a friend. All is peaceful and calm.
I study with a Tibetan Lama and have been listening to a recording of a weekend teaching he gave last year on interdependence. It is amazing to think of all the details that come together for being in a particular place at a particular time, in order to make a connection with and sustain a connection with a teacher, a loved one, a place of beauty, or even oneself-to take the time to turn within and be present with all that comprises yourself in a given moment.
That can be a lot of detail to contemplate and just one perspective on the experience of detail.
There is also the detail experienced by each of the senses, that in a given moment are rich: warm covers as I lounge a little more before getting up. Breathing clean air, appreciating morning light, feeling the warmth and softness of my cat snuggling next to me and the sensation and sound of purrs that we associate with contentment, feeling well and healthy in this moment… a multitude of details in this moment of peaceful well-being this morning and I am grateful.
I was standing in the kitchen, grinding coffee and brooding over a problem with our water system that has caused the basement to flood. Again. And suddenly I remembered this practice. Oh, the smell of the grinding coffee! The light through the kitchen window! The fact that we HAVE a water system to have a problem with!
Picking up the details, often gives me an Ah Ha! moment, whether I am reading a book on how the digestive system works or adding that extra bead dangle to a bracelet I just created. It creates a sense of grace and sometimes brilliance to a situation!
Preparing Sunday dinner the details of the textures and aromas and sounds were a gift.
I must not notice the details that positively impact my life. Thanx for all you All do and have a better day 🙂 reality
For, my even perceiving those positives gives potential negative forces new things to destroy. reality
I am so fortunate to live by the beach and also fortunate to have hurt my foot a month ago which as forced me to take my walks alone on the beach barefoot in the sand away from my usual group of friends…the walkie talkies.
It has opened up so many mysteries and new experiences. New animals, birds and people that I have never noticed. Including a deepening of my breathe that I didn’t know I was missing!!
It is mid-february in new england and there are tiny green leaves peaking out from the ground and witch hazel seems to be getting yellow. this is very early and snow and cold may come but my sense of wonder is aroused.
I recently watched a movie called “Collateral Beauty.” I checked it out at our local library. It was such a powerful reminder that beauty is present not only in our wins but also our losses, not only in our joys but also in our sorrows. Today’s meditation invites us to see with new eyes. As Leonard Cohen said, “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
Iam sitting at a desk but just not sitting, now my senses come into play in order to notice the details. I can hear-I hear the birds talking to each other, footsteps of movement through a house, water from a sink; I can see-the light that comes with a new day, colors still vivid, birds flying to a feeder; I can taste and smell that aromas from my well water. i can move, walk type this message and I am grateful.
I love gardening and this year I’ve planted two raised beds. They are waist high and I find myself standing in place, very still, examining the leaves, stalks, vegetables just beginning their growth. I put my fingers in the earth to determine how much water is needed. I notice the little paths on the leaves made by leafminers. I snip a peppermint leaf and put it in my mouth, experiencing the fresh coolness of its flavor. I rub a basil leave between my fingers for the rich aroma. I feel my being uplifted and impacted by the wonder of it all and I want to linger a while longer. Wow, thank you, for sure!
I was washing the breakfast dishes this morning and noticing the details, the warm water on my hands, etc. It is a wonderful way to be in the present moment and stop the chatter of the mind. Noticing and treasuring the details seems to be saying “Thank-you God for this wonder-filled world and life”. This practice is very helpful to me. Thank-you!!!
A Blessed Sunday to all ?
Sometimes, when I want to see the details detailed, to recognize the beauty of the detail, I kneel down to. This closeness is needed to see. When I kneel into this detail, I joyfully bent, my brainmind gets below my heart. Good to realize that this is possible.
A yoga teacher of mine used to say, “Bring the loving heart above the judging mind,” when we did standing forward bends (Uttanasana).
I love that you’re heightening your awareness by bending low – your “brain mind…below your heart.” Such an image of attention!