Perhaps the most radical act of resistance in the face of adversity is to live joyfully.
~ Ari Honarvar

Unlike happiness, which depends on external circumstances, joy is an expression of our connection with each other and with the world. All of the explorations in the “Nourishing Our Nature” practice have helped open us up to joy: by looking up and out, rooting into the earth, tuning into the magic of our surroundings, using all of our senses, and engaging with intention. 

Whatever it is we’re doing, joy means we are saying an embodied YES to life as it presents itself. Things don’t need to be perfect in order to feel joy; we only need to be aware of the miracle that it is to be alive on this blue-green planet with others whom we love. This is wonder encapsulated: letting the mystery and the marvel of the world seep in until it opens us from the inside.

Invitation for Practice

Find some quiet time to reflect on these questions, or explore them in community with others:

    • What helps you cultivate a deeper, more ever-present intimacy with the natural world? 
    • What rituals might help you honor the wonder of the season with joy?
    • How might you joyfully give back to the Earth some of the beauty and gifts it offers you at every turn?
    • How could you engage in what author adrienne maree brown calls “pleasure activism”? In other words, where can your deep gladness meet the world’s needs and nourish the Earth with joy?

We invite you to share your reflections in the space below the author bio.

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Enjoy the full seven-day Nourishing Our Nature practice.

Fabiana Fondevila is a writer and teacher from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her latest book, “Where Wonder Lives: Practices for Cultivating the Sacred in Your Daily Life” was published in February 2021. Fabiana teaches online workshops and seminars on living a life of awe and radical aliveness. You can learn more about her offerings at She is also a founding member of Vivir Agradecidos, our organizational partner in Argentina.

Image by Julian Paolo/Unsplash

Fabiana Fondevila

Fabiana Fondevila is a writer and teacher from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her latest book, “Where Wonder Lives: Practices for Cultivating the Sacred in Your Daily Life” was published in February 2021. Fabiana teaches online workshops and seminars on living a life of awe and radical aliveness. You can learn more about her offerings at She is also a founding member of Vivir Agradecidos, our organizational partner in Argentina.

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