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Resilience is a matter of having the spiritual musculature to make our way back from adversity to engaging with life with greater hope, courage, and appreciation. Perspective is a centerpiece of both gratefulness and resilience. Grateful Living helps us to gain perspective and become more resilient, trusting that there will always be difficulty, but with a heart open to learning and loving, we can recover from it, often with greater wisdom.

May this curated collection of videos, essays, audio meditations, stories, and more serve as a gentle companion.

a wooden dock juts out over a calm lake surrounded by green trees

Stop Being a Glass. Become a Lake.

by Carrie Newcomer
In such troubled times, it can feel as if the world has poured a handful…
woman in beige sweater standing by brown foliage

Waking Up to What Is: Grateful in the Face of It All

by Kristi Nelson
The ability to wake up to another new day — one with which we will…


by David Whyte
To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or do anything except to make…
a person walking a labyrinth on the beach

Gratefulness: An Opportunity to Practice

by Kristi Nelson
Grateful Living often becomes a chosen practice once we recognize that we may not have…

One Thousand Cranes

by Reflections of Life
“Origami” comes from the Japanese language – “ori” meaning folded and “kami” meaning paper. For…

Transforming Difficult Emotions – A Guided Meditation

by Jack Kornfield
In this guided meditation, we will explore how to transform the difficult emotions that arise…

How Tuning In to Your Body Can Make You More Resilient

by Greater Good Science Center
By balancing our physiology and nervous systems, body-based practices can help us through hard times.

Because Even the Word Obstacle is an Obstacle

by Alison Luterman
Try to love everything that gets in your way: The Chinese women in flowered bathing…

“This Too Is Sacred” — Finding the Crack That Opens the Way for Gratitude

by Jesua
Remembering our connection with the sacred provides a clear pathway for gratitude to flow freely,…

The Gift to Sing

by James Weldon Johnson
Sometimes the mist overhangs my path, And blackening clouds about me cling; But, oh, I…
Just Breathe screen shot

Just Breathe

by Wavecrest Films
Filmmakers, Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman, made “Just Breathe” with their son, his classmates…

William Kamkwamba: How I Harnessed the Wind

by TED
In this TED Talk, young Malawian William Kamkwamba describes how he built a windmill to…

Feature photo by Artur Voznenko

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