In the broken place
where we live,
hope can be found
in the cracks

If a dandelion
can push herself
up from the earth

though a sliver of light
in cement
and be called a weed

—or a flower
by those who see more
surely, we too can bloom

in our brokenness
where we live
and see more

Posted by kind permission of the poet.
Photo by Sam Derkach

In December 2021, “See More” was set to music by composer Corey K. Rubin and performed by the Cleveland Chamber Choir under the direction of Scott MacPherson. Special thanks to the Cleveland Chamber Choir for so generously allowing us to share the audio recording below.

Recorded live at Old Stone Church, Cleveland on December 11, 2021. Recording engineer Bruce Gigax.

Poet Jean E. Taddonio
Jean E. Taddonio

Jean E. Taddonio is a poet, author, wife, mother, and grandma who takes great joy in writing poetry and finding the good in all things. She was born and raised in "America's Finest City" and worked as a hospice nurse for 18 years. Four of her poems have been accepted into the San Diego Poetry Annual and she is a longtime member of the San Diego City College Continuing Ed. Writers Workshop. Her children's book, The Tale of R-Qu, is a sweet tale of hope and transformation. Find more of Jean's poetry on her blog, No Thing is Ordinary, here.

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