The Way of Silence draws heavily on Buddhist teachings to cultivate the practice of “deep” listening: turning away from noise and distraction, paying attention, and embracing quiet.

“The tranquility of order is a dynamic tranquility, the stillness of a flame burning in perfect calm, of a wheel spinning so fast that it seems to stand still. Silence in this sense is not only a quality of the environment, but primarily an attitude, an attitude of listening. … Let us give to one another that gift of silence, so that we can listen together and listen to one another. Only in this silence will we be able to hear that gentle breath of peace, that music to which the spheres dance, that universal harmony to which we, too, hope to dance,” writes Br. David.
The Way of Silence embraces paradox: absence versus presence in silence. Dynamic tranquility. The all-oneness of aloneness. Humbly, trusting in God, you’ll practice emptying your mind in order to receive wisdom, insight, and understanding. You’ll learn to listen deeply, with a trusting heart — and you’ll joyously discover a new, interior freedom that will make you feel more vibrant, and more fully alive.
Learn more about Br. David Steindl-Rast and explore more of his books.
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