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Each one of us is called to become that great song that comes out of the silence, and the more we let ourselves down into that great silence the more we become capable of singing that great song.
~ Br. David Steindl-Rast

This practice is about deepening in discovery of the unique song that is yours to sing. As we seek to truly live gratefully (and in so doing, live fully), we benefit from  pausing and listening, creating space for the melodies that wish to emerge from the depths of our wholeheartedness. Each of our voices is needed in this rapidly changing world.

For the next week, devote a minimum of five minutes each day to intentional quiet time. Pick a space where you will not be disturbed and that supports you in relaxing and opening to a greater spaciousness. For many, the natural world is helpful in connecting with a sense of wholeness. Another option might be a quiet room free from everyday distractions.

Transition to this time of quiet through bringing awareness to how you enter this “space of practice.” Move slowly and mindfully as you find a comfortable place in which to sit or rest.

Take a few slow deep breaths and “hold” one of the contemplations offered below. Allow the prompt to linger and when you feel called, respond to the following.

  • I feel most alive when…
  • I am inspired by…
  • I am deeply committed to…
  • If I were to give myself fully to the silence, what song might emerge…
  • For this song to have its fullest expression, I am being asked to…
  • There are other voices that I could join with, and together we could…

As you close your practice session: Hold an intention to continue with the deepening and discovery of “your unique song.” You may continue in the following days with the same prompt or consider another.

Siobhan McClory

Siobhan McClory is a certified Integral Master Coach™, mentor, professional photographer, evolutionary,  mother, and lover of the natural world. As a coach, she is committed to supporting those who wish to bring conscious and meaningful change to their lives. Learn more about her work at tobealive.com.

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